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Jumping for Joy

Luke 1:26-80

12/08/2023 Stephen Davey

This Christmas, if you’re looking for proof of the deity of Christ, you'll find it in the very beginning of Luke's Gospel. Even before the... read more

The Day That Changed Everything, Part 2

Luke 1:11-25

12/07/2023 Stephen Davey

The story of Zacharias is a wonderful reminder that nothing is impossible for God. Whenever God calls us to walk by faith and not by sight -- even... read more

The Day That Changed Everything, Part 1

Luke 1:11-25

12/06/2023 Stephen Davey

The story of Zacharias is a wonderful reminder that nothing is impossible for God. Whenever God calls us to walk by faith and not by sight -- even... read more

His Name Shall Be Called John

Luke 1:5-25

12/05/2023 Stephen Davey

Whenever Christmas rolls around and we are reminded through songs and nativity scenes about the Christmas story, one significant part of it usually... read more

Decorated with Stars

Romans 15:4-13

12/04/2023 Stephen Davey

The Apostle Paul doesn't give us black and white answers when it comes to issues of Christian liberty. But how could he? There was no such thing as... read more

The Advent Event: Start A New Christmas Tradition


Here's the link: ... read more

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