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Rekindling the Coals of Love

Revelation 2:1-8

01/05/2024 Stephen Davey

Access this series called Special Delivery here: The Church at Ephesus got so many things right. Their theology was sound,... read more

What a Sunday!

Revelation 1:9-20

01/04/2024 Stephen Davey

Access this series called Special Delivery here: The Apostle John had every right to be prideful: he was the author of five... read more

Not Just a Hunch

Revelation 1:4-8

01/03/2024 Stephen Davey

Access this series called Special Delivery here: Revelation chapter 1 is one of the most amazing passages in all of... read more

The Ol' Time Revelation

Revelation 1:1-3

01/02/2024 Stephen Davey

In this message Stephen reminds us that our hope and expectation far exceed any earthly pressure. We are awaiting the promised return of Christ who... read more

On Your Mark, Get Set ... Pray!

Romans 15:30-33

01/01/2024 Stephen Davey

Listen to the full-length sermons in this series here: What do you do when God's will seems contrary to the desires God... read more

Great Expectations

Romans 15:20-29

12/29/2023 Stephen Davey

Listen to all of the full-length sermons in this series here: What do you do when God's will seems contrary to the... read more

The Magnification of the Master

Romans 15:17-19

12/28/2023 Stephen Davey

Listen to all of the full-length sermons in this series here: An obsession with holy living must first begin with an... read more

Gripped by Grace

Romans 15:15-16

12/27/2023 Stephen Davey

What motivates you? Have you ever asked yourself that question? There is no doubt about what motivated the apostle Paul. Until his encounter with the... read more

Three Radical Refusals

Romans 15:14

12/26/2023 Stephen Davey

The life of the apostle Paul was indeed an extraordinary one, but what was so extraordinary was not his natural gifts and abilities; it was his... read more

More Than the Legend of Zeus

Luke 1:31-34

12/25/2023 Stephen Davey

What makes Luke's account of Jesus' virgin birth stand out amongst history's many other virgin birth stories? Stephen brings us a wonderful answer as... read more

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