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Romans 4 / "Father Abraham" (CD Set)

Romans 4 / "Father Abraham" (CD Set)


The highest mountain that man can ever ascend is the mountain called “faith”, and only the noblest of men have reached its heights. Abraham set one of the first Biblical examples of a life of faith. For when God commanded him to offer his beloved son as a sacrifice, he obeyed. ...

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Romans 5:1-11 / "Unwrapping the Perfect Gifts" (CD Set)

Romans 5:1-11 / "Unwrapping the Perfect Gifts" (CD Set)


Everyone loves to open presents. No one ever quite outgrows the anticipation of unwrapping a gift, especially if the giver is someone special. Come and discover God, the greatest gift-giver of all time, and the precious gifts he has given to his children. ...

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Romans 5:12-6:2 / "The First and Second Adam" (CD Set)

Romans 5:12-6:2 / "The First and Second Adam" (CD Set)


Adam is the head of the human race into which you were born. Jesus Christ is the head of a new race into which you are born again by faith. And when that happens, you drop out of the funeral procession of Adam’s family and join the wedding party of God’s family.

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Romans 6:3-23 / "Delivered From The Kingdom Of Sin" (CD Set)

Romans 6:3-23 / "Delivered From The Kingdom Of Sin" (CD Set)


The Gospel doesn't just deliver us from our sins in the past, present and future, but it actually delivers us from sin itself! Discover what that means in this study from the book of Romans. ...

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Romans 7:1-6 / "The Beauty of the Bride" (CD Set)

Romans 7:1-6 / "The Beauty of the Bride" (CD Set)


The Apostle Paul reveals that Christians are the Bride of Christ. In the opening verses of Romans 7, he expounds this illustration for us as he teaches us wonderful truths about our union with Christ. So join Stephen in this study to discover what it means to be married to Christ!

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Romans 7:7-8:15 / "The War Within" (CD Set)

Romans 7:7-8:15 / "The War Within" (CD Set)


Why do we as Christians live as prisoners to sin? In this convicting series, Stephen examines the ongoing internal struggle between the flesh and the Spirit as he encourages us with the truth that there is daily victory through Jesus Christ! ...

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Romans 8:16-27 / "From Groaning to Glory" (CD Set)

Romans 8:16-27 / "From Groaning to Glory" (CD Set)


The Apostle Paul speaks poetically of the world when he says that the whole earth groans beneath the weight of God's wrath and continually cries out for redemption. Have you joined in the cry? ...

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Romans 8:28 / "The Misuse and Meaning of Romans 8:28" (CD Set)

Romans 8:28 / "The Misuse and Meaning of Romans 8:28" (CD Set)


In this 2-part series Stephen explores what Romans 8:28 means . . . and what it does not mean.

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Romans 9 / "Chosen before Time Began" (CD Set)

Romans 9 / "Chosen before Time Began" (CD Set)


Have you ever taken a swim in the ocean and, as waves came in, you were lifted up so that you couldn’t touch bottom? At that moment you felt rather small, didn’t you? This deep-sea dive explores the mysterious depths of God's electing grace. ...

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Romans 11 / "The Future of Israel" (CD Set)

Romans 11 / "The Future of Israel" (CD Set)


If nothing can separate us from God's love, then what about Israel? This series shows us that God has a wonderful future for Israel. The Israelites won't be redeemed because of their faithfulness; they will be redeemed because of His. ...

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Romans 12:1-2 / "Becoming a Non-Conformist" (CD Set)

Romans 12:1-2 / "Becoming a Non-Conformist" (CD Set)


If you are one of God's children, something radical is expected of you. God wants you to break free from the entrapment of the world. You are to be drastically different from those around you! We are all conforming into some image; to who's image are you conforming? ...

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Romans 12:3-8 / "Divine Design" (CD Set)

Romans 12:3-8 / "Divine Design" (CD Set)


In Romans 12, Paul tells us that we all have a part to play in the story of redemption. What part are you meant to play? Join Stephen in this series to find out! ...

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Romans 8:29-39 / "Blessed Assurance" (CD Set)

Romans 8:29-39 / "Blessed Assurance" (CD Set)


The belief that one’s salvation can be lost is an error into which many Christians fall. Instead of living fruitful lives, they live fretful ones. The simple remedy is found when you understand this truth: Salvation for the believer is an eternal flame that never dies. ...

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Romans 10 / "How to Get to Heaven From Earth" (CD Set)

Romans 10 / "How to Get to Heaven From Earth" (CD Set)


When you ask someone directions to their house you are likely to hear one of the following questions in response: “Where are you coming from?” or “Where are you now?” The gospel is the clearest set of directions for our journey from earth to heaven. ...

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Romans 12:9-21 / "Grace Factor" (CD Set)

Romans 12:9-21 / "Grace Factor" (CD Set)


Bless those who persecute you; weep with those who weep; associate with the lowly; be at peace with all men; if your enemy is hungry, feed him. Was Paul serious when he gave these instructions? He was, and that is what makes Christianity unique. ...

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Romans 13:1-7 / "I Pledge Allegiance" (CD Set)

Romans 13:1-7 / "I Pledge Allegiance" (CD Set)


Christians face the unique challenge of determining where their allegiance should lie. Do believers pledge allegiance to one nation or to one God above all nations? Discover how to properly balance church and state as a believer. ...

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Romans 10:8-14 / "'Livin' Like You're 'Leavin'" (CD Set)

Romans 10:8-14 / "'Livin' Like You're 'Leavin'" (CD Set)


10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... the countdown has begun; any moment now and you'll be with the Savior. How will you use your remaining moments? What will you do with your time? In this series Stephen reminds us why a proper perspective of heaven will change our perspective of earth.

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Romans 14:1-15:13 / "Grey Matters" (CD Set)

Romans 14:1-15:13 / "Grey Matters" (CD Set)


In this 9-message series, Grey Matters, Stephen examines Paul's instructions for how to deal with difficult issues as he investigates the highly explosive topic of Christian liberty. So join him in this series to discover how much grey matters really matter. ...

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Holy Obsession (CD Set)

Holy Obsession (CD Set)


At the very heart of someone with a holy obsession is the realization that God doesn't just choose sinners to be partakers in His divine nature, He chooses the worst of them. With a sense of indebtedness, we can be used as God's worksmen here on earth, no matter how far gone we once were. ...

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Romans 16:1-24 / "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder" (CD Set)

Romans 16:1-24 / "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder" (CD Set)


God's hall of fame is not filled with pictures of superstar athletes, Olympians, Grammy award winners, or rock-stars, but with normal people who served behind the scenes without ever being noticed. Those who minister faithfully, God rewards. ...

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Romans 16:25-27 / "The Final Doxology" (CD Set)

Romans 16:25-27 / "The Final Doxology" (CD Set)


There is little doubt that the one thing most needed for the church and every believer today is the study of God. In the closing words of the Book of Romans, Paul directs our attention once again to the glory of God. He sharpens our perspective and exalts our eminent Lord.

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1 Corinthians 13 / "True Love" (CD Set)

1 Corinthians 13 / "True Love" (CD Set)


Before we can obey God's commandments to love God and love others we need to understand what love is. This series will lead us on a journey past affection and attraction to reveal to us the depths of true love. ...

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Philippians Commentary

Philippians Commentary


It's little wonder why the church at Philippi was Paul's favorite church. They loved him, supported him, and encouraged him. Furthermore, they modeled what a church should be — a living demonstration of the unifying, forgiving, motivating power of the gospel of Christ. ...

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Philippians 1:1-11 / "To the Citizens of Heaven" (CD Set)

Philippians 1:1-11 / "To the Citizens of Heaven" (CD Set)


Many Christians today look to the book of Acts for guidelines on church life and function. The truth is a better model is found in Philippians. Why was the church in Philippi was a model in the first century, and how can they remain a model for us today? ...

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Philippians 1:12-30 / "Moving Forward" (CD Set)

Philippians 1:12-30 / "Moving Forward" (CD Set)


Have you ever wondered what was your primary purpose in life? Paul understood what the purpose of a believer is, and he wrote a powerful letter with classic statements. These texts are intended to move us all forward! ...

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