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1 Peter 5 / "Framing the Flock" (CD Set)

1 Peter 5 / "Framing the Flock" (CD Set)


How do we stand firm in the victory of Jesus? The Apostle Peter provides a guidebook for churches, starting with the shephers, moving to the flock, and then warning of the wolves, especially the ones disguised to fit in. ...

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1 John 1:1-2:27 / "After Darkness, Light" (CD Set)

1 John 1:1-2:27 / "After Darkness, Light" (CD Set)


As the Apostle John begins his first letter to believers, it’s obvious that he wants to make several contrasts very clear: life vs. death; love vs. hate; light vs. darkness. We have left the kingdom of darkness and belong to God’s kingdom of light. ...

عرض التفاصيل
1 John 2:28-4:21 / "Heart to Heart" (CD Set)

1 John 2:28-4:21 / "Heart to Heart" (CD Set)


In this special series of messages taken from the third and fourth chapters of First John, much of our attention rests on one key subject—love. John sweeps us along from one heartfelt topic of love to another. These principles of love come to us directly — from God’s heart to ours. ...

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I John 5 / "Without a Doubt" (CD Set)

I John 5 / "Without a Doubt" (CD Set)


Apologetics isn’t just for smart, educated believers; it’s for every believer. And in I John chapter 5, the Apostle John reminds us all — from the brilliant to the simple — that the living and active proof of our salvation isn’t in a book, it’s in us. ...

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2 & 3 John / "Postcards From John" (CD Set)

2 & 3 John / "Postcards From John" (CD Set)


Few things can reveal a person’s character more than private correspondence. The Apostle John wrote three letters, and in the last two, we see intimate and encouraging correspondences to John’s friends, providing us a wonderful pattern to follow in our own interactions with others. ...

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"Special Delivery" (CD Set)

"Special Delivery" (CD Set)


God sent out seven special letters to seven unique churches in Asia Minor and in those letters we see a clear glimpse into how God views success in ministry. These letters are full of warnings and commendations for churches then as well as for churches now. ...

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Revelation 4-6 / "The First Hymns of Heaven" (CD Set)

Revelation 4-6 / "The First Hymns of Heaven" (CD Set)


Have you ever wondered what the music of heaven is like? In this series, we go on a tour of heaven, where we'll listen in awe to a Divinely orchestrated symphony. Millions of angels and saints fill every corridor of heaven with songs of praise. ...

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Revelation 6-7 / "Four Horsemen and the Coming World Madness" (CD Set)

Revelation 6-7 / "Four Horsemen and the Coming World Madness" (CD Set)


Will the church be present during the Tribulation? Are we close to the sound of the horsemen today? What should the Christian do in light of this coming terror? The tribulation period is a unique time when the world will stagger under the weight of God's wrath. ...

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Revelation 8-11 / "The Trumpets of Seven Archangels" (CD Set)

Revelation 8-11 / "The Trumpets of Seven Archangels" (CD Set)


During the final years of the Tribulation, terrifying apocalyptic events of world-wide catastrophe will assault the earth and its inhabitants. Find out what the future holds for planet Earth and the human race, and discover how you can avoid this unique period of judgment. ...

عرض التفاصيل
Revelation 12-13 / "Antichrist and the Many Faces of Evil" (CD Set)

Revelation 12-13 / "Antichrist and the Many Faces of Evil" (CD Set)


The Devil; the Antichrist; the Beast; Revelation 12-13 gives us a behind-the-scenes look at this unholy trinity. Their agenda is clear: world domination. Their methods are brutal: insatiable destruction and oppression. Their end is certain: defeat, impotence, and everlasting hell. ...

عرض التفاصيل
Revelation 14-15 / "A Preview of Things to Come" (CD Set)

Revelation 14-15 / "A Preview of Things to Come" (CD Set)


Only God knows the future, but in the Book of Revelation He gave us a preview of things to come. Discover what God has revealed to us. ...

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Revelation 16-17 / "Armageddon and the Fall of Babylon" (CD Set)

Revelation 16-17 / "Armageddon and the Fall of Babylon" (CD Set)


Babylon, the city that represents man's attempt to overcome God, will rise again. The Apostle John gives us a prophetic account of the uprising in Revelation 16. So join Stephen in this enthralling portion of Scripture as we witness the final war between the city of man and the city of God. ...

عرض التفاصيل
Revelation 19-20 / "Thy Kingdom Come" (CD Set)

Revelation 19-20 / "Thy Kingdom Come" (CD Set)


The Millennial Kingdom -- i.e. the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth -- is one of the most overlooked epochs in future world history. In this series Stephen expounds the prophecies about this coming Golden Age and reveals a time when the Redeemed will serve as co-regents with Christ. ...

عرض التفاصيل
Revelation 20:11-14 / "Is Hell for Real?" (CD Set)

Revelation 20:11-14 / "Is Hell for Real?" (CD Set)


Its clear from the Scriptures, the question is not is hell for real, but rather what does the reality of hell mean for me? Taken from John’s Revelation of Jesus Christ, this series answers these questions, and more.

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Revelation 21:1-22:5 / "Heaven on Earth" (CD Set)

Revelation 21:1-22:5 / "Heaven on Earth" (CD Set)


When John writes in Revelation 21:1 that he “saw a new heaven and a new earth,” he is referring to the universe in general and the earth in particular. Our future in the Father’s house—the glorious city of gold—is actually going to be here on earth. ...

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Revelation 22:6-21 / "The Last Words" (CD Set)

Revelation 22:6-21 / "The Last Words" (CD Set)


Are the last words in the Book of Revelation the last words from God? Stephen answers definitively, "Yes!" In this series, he will explain why the Apostle John’s vision ends with a severe warning to anyone who has another word to add—or omit. ...

عرض التفاصيل
Angels, Demons & Other Flying Creatures (CD Set)

Angels, Demons & Other Flying Creatures (CD Set)


What are angels and demons? What do they look like? What do they do? How much power do they have in the world? What can they do to me? In these 7 full length messages, Stephen provides biblical insight into the correct view of this mysterious world of angels, demons and other flying creatures.

عرض التفاصيل
Breaking Up Stony Ground (CD Set)

Breaking Up Stony Ground (CD Set)


What do worry, selfishness, deceit, despair and lust have in common? They are some of Satan’s most effective tools in rendering us unresponsive toward Christ and ineffective in ministry. Are these affecting you today? Well, don't worry, there is a cure for you! ...

عرض التفاصيل
The Enemy of Your Soul (CD Set)

The Enemy of Your Soul (CD Set)


Satan is our adversary, our accuser. In this lesson, we see some of Satan’s favorite tactics to destroy us. We also learn how to resist the enemy’s attacks, and, above all, remember that our only hope for triumph is through the victory won by Jesus Christ.

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Forgotten Lives . . . Remembered Truths (CD Set)

Forgotten Lives . . . Remembered Truths (CD Set)


Does the name Jochebed mean anything to you? How about Hezekiah or Jephthah or Ehud? In this insightful new series, Stephen dusts off a few of the most impactful, yet overlooked stories in the Old Testament to teach us invaluable lessons about God’s grace and goodness. ...

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Going Public (CD Set)

Going Public (CD Set)


Local churches are a haven for believers; not a fortress. It is far too easy to grow comfortable in the subculture of Christian programs, media, and industry, that we can go an entire week, month, or year without ever having a significant missional interchange with an unbeliever. In this convicting...

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In Living Color (CD Set)

In Living Color (CD Set)


Creation shows us who God is and reveals His utter magnificence. In response to this truth, do we run to God? Do we relinquish fear into His loving hands? Ultimately, God’s creative glory allows us, His prized creation, to praise Him and live in his love. ...

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Introducing God (CD Set)

Introducing God (CD Set)


Leave your megaphones, soapboxes, and cardboard signs at home and join Paul as he takes the gospel from the crowded streets of Asia Minor to your neighborhood. ...

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Legacies of Light (CD Set)

Legacies of Light (CD Set)


The word of God is filled with biography. God loves to teach lasting lessons through the lives of individuals. This biographical series illustrates biblical truths through the lives of contemporary believers, those with a legacy of light. ...

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Prophecies & Predictions (CD Set)

Prophecies & Predictions (CD Set)


Predictions about the rapture of the Church have captivated that institution since its earliest days. And little wonder—since the last thing the Lord told His disciples was that He was coming back! But can we just sit around waiting for him? No, that is altogether destructive for our faith.

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