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Galatians Study Guide

Galatians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Galatians. ...

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1Thessalonians Study Guide

1Thessalonians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for 1Thessalonians. ...

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Bodies of Evidence (Booklet)

Bodies of Evidence (Booklet)


The deity of Jesus Christ should have been settled when He rose from the grave. But did you know He wasn't the only one who rose from the dead that Sunday morning? Get ready to come in contact with many more bodies of evidence!

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2Thessalonians Study Guide

2Thessalonians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for 2Thessalonians. ...

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Amos Study Guide

Amos Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Amos. ...

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1 Timothy Study Guide

1 Timothy Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for 1 Timothy. ...

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Jonah Study Guide

Jonah Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Jonah. ...

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2 Timothy Study Guide

2 Timothy Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for 2 Timothy. ...

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Acts Study Guide

Acts Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Acts. ...

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Titus Study Guide

Titus Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Titus. ...

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The Chronicles of Christmas (Booklet)

The Chronicles of Christmas (Booklet)


The stories of C.S. Lewis are interwoven with biblical themes and spiritual truth that serve as a backdrop for a far greater story. Experience the life-changing story of creation, temptation, and victory in The Chronicles of Christmas.

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Philemon Study Guide

Philemon Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Philemon. ...

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Gospels Study Guide

Gospels Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the Gospels. ...

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Obadiah Study Guide

Obadiah Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Obadiah. ...

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Christmas Light (Booklet)

Christmas Light (Booklet)


Dark clouds are surrounding the Church. James has been martyred. Peter has allegedly been crucified upside down. And even Paul has been beheaded by Nero. But John, the last living apostle, will flood every heart with light as he delivers an unashamed and unforgettable eye-witness account. ...

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Curing Affluenza (Booklet)

Curing Affluenza (Booklet)


The temptations of material things are not new to our lifetime. The first century church dealt with similar struggles.But with temptation comes encouragement from God, and he provides us with a divine cure, an antidote from God, for the sin of materialism.

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Micah Study Guide

Micah Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Micah. ...

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Dragons & Dinosaurs (Booklet)

Dragons & Dinosaurs (Booklet)


What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Well, actually, more than you might think. Explore what the Scriptures say about these animals, and what this tour of the animal kingdom says about God and his creation.

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Nahum Study Guide

Nahum Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Nahum. ...

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Do Babies Really Go to Heaven (Booklet)

Do Babies Really Go to Heaven (Booklet)


Do babies go to heaven? What if they are aborted or stillborn? And what about toddlers and elementary school children who die before they master the alphabet—let alone the multiplication table? God gave us key insight into these crucial questions.

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Habakkuk Study Guide

Habakkuk Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Habakkuk. ...

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Designer Made (Booklet)

Designer Made (Booklet)


Abortion is one of the greatest tragedies of our day and age — stealing the lives of unborn children and viewing children as a cosmic accident. If there was ever a time the world needed Psalm 139, it's today. Beyond an ultrasound, David gives us a glimpse into humanity’s true womb. ...

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The Ultimate Father-Son Chat

The Ultimate Father-Son Chat


God does not gauge our parental success on how well our kids doing in school or how often they attend church or how many clothes we put in their closet. He gauges success solely on what we teach our kids about him. Both through our words and actions. In this gripping look at David's message to his...

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Zephaniah Study Guide

Zephaniah Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Zephaniah. ...

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The Enoch Example (Booklet)

The Enoch Example (Booklet)


Everyone has a legacy. What will yours be? Will your children say you walked with God or ran from Him? Will your grandchildren receive an inheritance of earthly riches or heavenly ones? Learn how walking with God now can impact your family for generations in The Enoch Example: A Father's Legacy. ...

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