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مرشحات وأمبير. فرز
Abraham and Islam (Booklet)

Abraham and Islam (Booklet)


Both Christianity and Islam revere and honor the same Old Testament patriarch. His name is Abraham, and his influence is felt by literally millions of people around the world. His life highlights key differences between Christianity and Islam — differences which will determine destinies.

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Ezra Study Guide

Ezra Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Ezra. ...

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Esther Study Guide

Esther Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Esther. ...

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Psalms Study Guide

Psalms Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Psalms ...

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Acts of God (Booklet)

Acts of God (Booklet)


Is God powerful enough to control nature? If so, then where is He when tragedy strikes? Discover the answers to life's difficult questions and find that the search for strength and security eventually leads all believers to the foot of the throne.

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Proverbs Study Guide

Proverbs Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Proverbs ...

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Song of Solomon Study Guide

Song of Solomon Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Song of Solomon ...

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Jeremiah Study Guide

Jeremiah Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Jeremiah ...

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Job Study Guide

Job Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Job. ...

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Lamentations Study Guide

Lamentations Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Lamentations ...

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Isaiah Study Guide

Isaiah Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Isaiah ...

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Ezekiel Study Guide

Ezekiel Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Ezekiel ...

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Luke 19-21 / Here Comes The King CD Set

Luke 19-21 / Here Comes The King CD Set


This Eleven-CD set features Stephen Davey's teaching through Luke 19:28 - 21:38. ...

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Ecclesiastes Study Guide

Ecclesiastes Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Ecclesiastes ...

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Daniel Study Guide

Daniel Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Daniel. ...

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Nehemiah Study Guide

Nehemiah Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Nehemiah. ...

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Hosea Study Guide

Hosea Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Hosea. ...

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Romans Study Guide

Romans Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Romans. ...

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Blessed Assurance (Booklet)

Blessed Assurance (Booklet)


The belief that salvation can be lost is an error into which many Christians fall. Instead of living fruitful lives, they live fretful ones. The simple remedy is found when you understand this truth: salvation is an eternal flame that never dies. ...

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1Corinthians Study Guide

1Corinthians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for 1 Corinthians. ...

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Ephesians Study Guide

Ephesians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Ephesians. ...

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2Corinthians Study Guide

2Corinthians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for 2 Corinthians. ...

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Philippians Study Guide

Philippians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Philippians. ...

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Joel Study Guide

Joel Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Joel. ...

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Colossians Study Guide

Colossians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Colossians. ...

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مجموعتنا من المصادر المؤمنة كتابيا

لدينا مجموعة واسعة من الموارد المصممة لتجهيزك وتشجيعك في مسيرتك مع يسوع المسيح. تتوفر جميع كتبنا وتعليقاتنا وأدلة دراسة الكتاب المقدس ومواردنا التعبدية ومجموعات الأقراص المضغوطة والتنزيلات الرقمية. نحن ملتزمون بحقيقة أن الكتاب المقدس هو كلمة الله الموحى بها وهو السلطة النهائية في كل شيء. كل من مواردنا وفية للكتاب المقدس.