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These are the most recent Wisdom for the Heart messages.

For the manuscripts and full-length sermons, view the broadcast schedule.



A Tale of Two Women

The Transformative Power of the Gospel

06/28/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we dive into Acts 16, uncovering the rich lessons from Paul’s missionary journey and the unexpected stops along the way. Discover... 閱讀更多

And He Shall Direct Your Stops

Divine Detours and the Journey to Europe

06/27/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we continue our journey through Acts, focusing on chapter 16. As Paul and his new assistant, Silas, embark on their second... 閱讀更多

Stubborn Servants . . . Second Chances

Acts 15: Unity in Doctrine, Division in Friendship

06/26/2024 Stephen Davey

In this insightful episode, we delve into the resolution made by the Jerusalem council in Acts chapter 15, which safeguarded the essence of the... 閱讀更多

The First Reformation Part 2

Unity and Division: Lessons from the Early Church Crisis

06/25/2024 Stephen Davey

In this engaging episode, we delve into Acts chapter 15, exploring the significant challenges and transformations within the early church. From... 閱讀更多

The First Reformation

Defining a Christian

06/24/2024 Stephen Davey

In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the defining characteristics of a Christian and explore the diverse perspectives that exist today.... 閱讀更多

Phases of Effective Ministry

From Initiation to Evaluation in Paul and Barnabas' Journey

06/21/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we continue our study of Acts, delving into chapter 14 and the remarkable phases of Paul and Barnabas' first missionary journey.... 閱讀更多

Missionary Memoirs

Balancing Praise and Persecution

06/20/2024 Stephen Davey

In today's episode, we dive back into our study of Acts, focusing on chapter 14, where Paul and Barnabas face the highs and lows of their first... 閱讀更多

The Message

Upholding the Truth in Modern Times

06/19/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we dive into the contemporary challenge facing the church today: the call to replace traditional preaching with more modern, less... 閱讀更多

Wrestling Rasputins

The Ministry of the Spirit

06/18/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we explore the incredible story of a first-century encounter that reveals the power of the Holy Spirit and the boldness required to... 閱讀更多

Glory to God . . . Alone!

Power, Politics, and Divine Sovereignty

06/17/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we journey back to the first century to explore the rise and fall of the most powerful and infamous family of that era—the Herods.... 閱讀更多

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