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Phases of Effective Ministry

From Initiation to Evaluation in Paul and Barnabas' Journey

06/21/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we continue our study of Acts, delving into chapter 14 and the remarkable phases of Paul and Barnabas' first missionary journey. Drawing from Calvin Miller's insightful description of church growth stages, we'll explore how these early church planters navigated through initial enthusiasm, growing pains, and eventual reproduction of new ministries.

We’ll reflect on Paul’s deeply personal account of his hardships, revealing a transparent and encouraging perspective on the challenges of ministry. Despite being stoned and left for dead, Paul and Barnabas demonstrated incredible resilience, preaching the gospel with unwavering determination.

Discover the stages of their journey: from the Initiation of preaching Christ’s truth, through the Orientation of establishing churches and appointing leaders, to the Evaluation of their mission’s impact, celebrating all that God had done through them. This episode highlights the importance of perseverance, the power of human encouragement, and the necessity of God's involvement in any lasting, eternal work.

Join us as we uncover timeless lessons from Paul and Barnabas' experiences, applicable to our own lives and ministries today.

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