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A Declaration of Dependence

Rediscovering Revival through Commitment

06/07/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, Stephen delves into Nehemiah 10-12, where the people of Israel demonstrate their renewed commitment to God following their revival.... read more

True Confession

Embracing Authenticity and Revival

06/06/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, Stephen explores the importance of true confession and transparency in the Christian life. Drawing insights from Nehemiah 9, he... read more

Lord, Send a 'ReBible'

Rediscovering Biblical Truth and Revival

06/05/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, Stephen tackles the critical issue of biblical illiteracy and its impact on the church and society. Drawing from Nehemiah 8, he... read more

Roll the Credits

Recognizing the Unseen Heroes

06/04/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, Stephen explores Nehemiah 7, highlighting the often-overlooked contributions of those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes.... read more

Psst . . . Have You Heard?

Navigating Rumors and Resilience

06/03/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, Stephen dives into Nehemiah 6, exploring the relentless attacks Nehemiah faces from both outside enemies and internal betrayers. As... read more

Me, Myself & I

Overcoming Selfishness in Our Spiritual Journey

05/31/2024 Stephen Davey

Selfishness can be a powerful force that disrupts relationships, ministries, and even entire churches. In this episode, we explore how the Red Dragon... read more


Conquering Midpoint Challenges in Your Spiritual Journey

05/30/2024 Stephen Davey

Are you feeling stuck halfway through a daunting task? Nehemiah’s story of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls offers valuable lessons on perseverance and... read more

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones

Preparing for Adversity: Lessons from Nehemiah

05/29/2024 Stephen Davey

In 1845, John Franklin led a confident but ill-prepared expedition to find the Northwest Passage, resulting in tragedy. Similarly, Jesus warned His... read more

Construction Sites & Church Cafeterias

Building the Church: Following God's Blueprint for Success

05/28/2024 Stephen Davey

Ever wonder why so many churches close their doors? Today, we explore a critical reason: not following God's directions. While most of us... read more

Blood, Sweat and Tears

Nehemiah's Blueprint for Overcoming Adversity

05/27/2024 Stephen Davey

Are you facing challenges that seem insurmountable? In this episode, we draw parallels between Winston Churchill's unyielding spirit during World War... read more

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