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Unlikely Messenger Boys

Luke 1:1 - 2:52

12/22/2023 Stephen Davey

More surprising than the priests and kings who missed out on God's humble incarnation were the shepherds and peasants who didn't. Access all of the... read more

The Coming King-Makers

Matthew 2:1-12

12/21/2023 Stephen Davey

How did Persian dignitaries learn about the coming Messiah? Furthermore, why did they associate a star with His birth? Stephen brings us deeper... read more

The Return of the King

Selected Scriptures

12/20/2023 Stephen Davey

Peace is not only a desire during the Christmas season but is a longing of the world throughout the year. Global peace is possible, but it will only... read more

The Names of the King

Isaiah 9:6-7

12/19/2023 Stephen Davey

Christmas is the season to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ. Though His birth occurred around 2,000 years ago, the church still worships and... read more

The Resume of the King

Selected Scriptures

12/18/2023 Stephen Davey

People are convinced of truth if what is predicted will happen in the future actually comes to pass. Prophets, soothsayers, psychics, and diviners... read more

A Light From God, Part 2

John 1:1-13

12/15/2023 Stephen Davey

The world is lost in darkness not because light hasn't come, but because men have turned their backs to it. Access all of the lessons in this series... read more

A Light From God, Part 1

John 1:1-13

12/14/2023 Stephen Davey

The world is lost in darkness not because light hasn't come, but because men have turned their backs to it. Access all of the lessons in this series... read more

A Word From God, Part 2

John 1:1-3

12/13/2023 Stephen Davey

Just as Christian theology hinges on a literal interpretation of John's opening words, many false religions hinge on a misinterpretation of them. But... read more

A Word From God, Part 1

John 1:1-3

12/12/2023 Stephen Davey

Just as Christian theology hinges on a literal interpretation of John's opening words, many false religions hinge on a misinterpretation of them. But... read more

Let There be Light

Luke 1:78-79; John 1:1-3

12/11/2023 Stephen Davey

Scripture calls Jesus the "Light of the world," but Jesus didn't light up the sky with fireworks and make an unforgettable appearance at His... read more

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