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Missionary Memoirs

Balancing Praise and Persecution

06/20/2024 Stephen Davey

In today's episode, we dive back into our study of Acts, focusing on chapter 14, where Paul and Barnabas face the highs and lows of their first missionary journey. Contrary to what many might think, their experience was marked not only by success and effectiveness but also by intense affliction and discouragement.

Join us as we explore Paul's deeply personal reflections from 2 Corinthians 1:8, where he candidly shares the overwhelming challenges they faced, which even led them to despair of life itself. We’ll learn practical lessons from their journey, highlighting the importance of acknowledging the emotional and physical burdens of serving God while ultimately relying on His strength.

We will witness their experiences in Iconium, where despite severe opposition and poisoned minds, Paul and Barnabas stayed and spoke boldly for a long time, relying on the Lord. Then we move to Lystra, where a miraculous healing leads the locals to mistake them for gods, only for the mood to turn deadly as persecution arises.

This episode offers a balanced perspective on handling both undue praise and severe opposition, showing how Paul and Barnabas refused flattery, refocused attention on God, and risked losing everything for the sake of truth. Their story is a powerful reminder that in every circumstance, whether in triumph or trial, God remains faithful.

We hope this resource blessed you. Our ministry is EMPOWERED by your prayer and ENABLED by your financial support.

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