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nehemiah square


Conquering Midpoint Challenges in Your Spiritual Journey

05/30/2024 Stephen Davey

Are you feeling stuck halfway through a daunting task? Nehemiah’s story of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls offers valuable lessons on perseverance and faith. When faced with opposition, Nehemiah and his team pushed through the ridicule and discouragement to complete their mission.

Join us as we dive into Nehemiah 4 and explore how the halfway point often brings the toughest challenges. Learn how Nehemiah responded to criticism and threats, and how his unwavering commitment to God’s plan led to ultimate success. What can you do when you hit the halfway mark and feel like giving up?

Discover practical insights and encouragement to help you overcome obstacles and stay the course in your spiritual journey. Tune in and find the strength to keep building, no matter the challenges you face.

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