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The Journey Through Ephesians

The Journey Through Ephesians

What is the church, and what is the church to do? Paul’s letter to the Ephesians describes the church as God’s united people. We are the church—diverse people, Jews and Gentiles, who are joined in one body, the body of Christ. And Jesus Christ is the head of that body, giving life and direction to us. Ephesians tells us of the enormous spiritual wealth we possess in Him and how those spiritual blessings are to be appreciated and lived out in our lives personally and as we serve together corporately in the church body. Ephesians shows us how the great doctrine of the church touches the practical issues of character, holiness, and relationships.

The Believer’s True Blessings

The Believer’s True Blessings


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 1 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians
The Biography of the Believer

The Biography of the Believer


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 2 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians
The Mystery of the Church Is Revealed

The Mystery of the Church Is Revealed


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 3 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians
The Recipe for Genuine Unity

The Recipe for Genuine Unity


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 4:1–6 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians
Describing a Healthy Church Today

Describing a Healthy Church Today


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 4:7–16 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians
The Practice of Refusal and Renewal

The Practice of Refusal and Renewal


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 4:17–32; 5:1–14 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians
Under the Influence of the Spirit

Under the Influence of the Spirit


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 5:15–33; 6:1–9 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians
Dressed Up to Kneel Down

Dressed Up to Kneel Down


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: Eph 6:10–24 مسلسل: The Journey Through Ephesians

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