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The Journey Through 2 Thessalonians

The Journey Through 2 Thessalonians


Paul’s second letter to the church in Thessalonica addresses two problems that have arisen since his earlier letter. First, false teaching has brought confusion concerning the Lord’s return and the judgments of the future day of the Lord. The second problem is a matter of Christian practice: some were idle, refusing to work and leaning on others to provide for them. Paul forcefully and clearly answers both these problems, but he does so while at the same time offering words of encouragement to this church. The book of 2 Thessalonians provides us not only with important teaching but also a good example of how to deliver teaching that involves rebuke and correction.

When Justice Arrives

When Justice Arrives


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: 2 Thess 1 مسلسل: The Journey Through 2 Thessalonians
Rapture First—Then Tribulation

Rapture First—Then Tribulation


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: 2 Thess 2:1–12 مسلسل: The Journey Through 2 Thessalonians
If You Don’t Work, You Don’t Eat

If You Don’t Work, You Don’t Eat


مرجع الكتاب المقدس: 2 Thess 2:13–17; 3 مسلسل: The Journey Through 2 Thessalonians

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ننشر كل كتاب من كتاب The Wisdom Journey عند الانتهاء من البث. عند الانتهاء ، رحلة الحكمة سيأخذك من سفر التكوين إلى سفر الرؤيا في 780 درسًا. نقدر سماع تعليقاتك أو اقتراحاتك. انقر فوق الزر "مساعدة" في الزاوية اليمنى السفلية من شاشتك لإرسال رسالة إلينا.

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