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Lección pasada del viaje de la sabiduría

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The Journey through 2 Corinthians

The Journey through 2 Corinthians

Paul’s second epistle to the Corinthians gives us a further glimpse into the apostle’s relationship with the church at Corinth. In responding to continuing challenges in the Corinthian church, 2Corinthians becomes Paul’s most personal letter of all the epistles we have in the New Testament. In it, he bares his soul and reveals his—and the Lord’s—deep love and passion for his spiritual children and brothers in Christ as he answers critics, addresses misunderstandings, and offers deep encouragement in facing trials and suffering. In this book we find some of the Bible’s most precious teaching on faith, our eternal hope, and Christ’s unsurpassable love in taking our sin upon Himself in order that we might share His matchless righteousness.

The Cycle of Comfort

The Cycle of Comfort


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 1:1–11 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians
Flexibility and Change

Flexibility and Change


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 1:12–24; 2:1–13 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians
Confidence in the New Covenant

Confidence in the New Covenant


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 2:14–17; 3 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians
Why We Don’t Lose Heart

Why We Don’t Lose Heart


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 4:1–18 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians
Special Awards from God

Special Awards from God


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 5:1–21 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians
Warning Labels for Today

Warning Labels for Today


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 6; 7:1 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians
Godly Grief

Godly Grief


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 7:2–16 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians
Baptizing Your Bank Account

Baptizing Your Bank Account


Referencia de las Escrituras: 2 Cor 8–9 Serie: The Journey through 2 Corinthians

Publicamos cada libro de The Wisdom Journey a medida que terminan de transmitirse. Cuando esté completo, El viaje de la sabiduría lo llevará desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis en 780 lecciones. Agradeceríamos escuchar sus comentarios o sugerencias. Haga clic en el botón AYUDA en la esquina inferior derecha de su pantalla para enviarnos un mensaje.