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The Journey Through 1 Timothy

The Journey Through 1 Timothy


Leading a local church is no easy task. It involves not only preaching and teaching but also administration, discipline, pastoral care, protecting the flock from false teaching, and helping the body to select others for leadership. As Paul enters the latter years of his ministry, he writes the to his younger colleague, the pastor Timothy, this letter known to us as the book of 1 Timothy. Here he offers divinely inspired advice and instruction for the task of leading the church in the city of Ephesus. All who have or seek positions of leadership in the church should study this book carefully, but so also should all believers for its teaching has relevance to us all, both personally and in relation to the church.

Attracting a Crowd or Building a Church?

Attracting a Crowd or Building a Church?


经文参考 1 Tim 1 系列: The Journey Through 1 Timothy
Order in the Church

Order in the Church


经文参考 1 Tim 2 系列: The Journey Through 1 Timothy
Qualifications for Elders and Deacons

Qualifications for Elders and Deacons


经文参考 1 Tim 3 系列: The Journey Through 1 Timothy
Membership in the Gymnasium of Godliness

Membership in the Gymnasium of Godliness


经文参考 1 Tim 4 系列: The Journey Through 1 Timothy
Treating Everyone Like Family

Treating Everyone Like Family


经文参考 1 Tim 5; 6:1–2 系列: The Journey Through 1 Timothy
Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom


经文参考 1 Tim 6:3–21 系列: The Journey Through 1 Timothy

你想要學習指南嗎? We will release the study guide for each book along with this message archive. 單擊此處購買特定書籍的學習指南

We post each book of The Wisdom Journey as they finish airing. When complete, 智慧之旅 will take you from Genesis through Revelation in 780 lessons. We would appreciate hearing your comments or suggestions. 單擊屏幕右下角的幫助按鈕向我們發送消息。

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