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Episodios recientes:

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When Justice Arrives (2 Thessalonians 1)

Understanding God's Promised Judgment

09/17/2024 Stephen Davey

Life is filled with pain and challenges, and how we respond to these trials can shape our faith. While the world often seeks to avoid pain, believers are called to trust God even in the midst of it. In 2 Thessalonians 1, Paul commends the church in Thessalonica for their steadfastness in the face of persecution. He reminds them—and us—that suffering for Christ is not in vain. God’s justice is certain, and His judgment will come, repaying those who persecute believers and granting relief to those who remain faithful. Though it may seem that evil is prevailing, Paul assures us that justice will arrive when Christ returns to establish His kingdom. Join us as we delve into Paul’s powerful message of hope and justice for those enduring hardship today, knowing that God will one day set all things right.

Scripture reading: 2 Thessalonians 1


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  • La alegría de saber que tu apoyo ayuda a que The Wisdom Journey sea posible.
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