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When Expectations Don’t Take Place (Romans 15:20-29)

Trusting God’s Unexpected Plans

06/12/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, we explore Romans 15:20-29, where the Apostle Paul shares his personal expectations and ministry goals. However, life doesn’t always go as planned. Through the example of Paul and the remarkable story of Dr. Charles McCoy, we learn how to trust God’s unexpected plans even when our own expectations are not met.

Paul's ambition was to preach the gospel where Christ was not yet known, hoping to visit Rome and eventually reach Spain. Despite his godly desires and long-term plans, Paul’s journey took unexpected turns. His arrival in Rome as a prisoner rather than a missionary pioneer serves as a powerful reminder that God's plans often differ from ours, but they are always purposeful and filled with hope.

Through the lives of Dr. Charles McCoy and the Apostle Paul, this episode encourages us to hold our expectations loosely and trust in God's perfect plan for our lives. Even when our dreams and goals do not materialize as we envision, God's sovereign hand is at work, guiding us to fulfill His greater purposes.

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