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Episodios recientes:

app 1 timothy square

Treating Everyone Like Family (1 Timothy 5:1–6:2)

Caring for Others in God’s Household

09/26/2024 Stephen Davey

What does it look like to truly treat others in the church as family? In this episode, we explore 1 Timothy 5:1–6:2, where the Apostle Paul gives practical and heartfelt advice on how to relate to every member of the church, from the elderly to the young, the vulnerable to the leaders. Whether you're navigating relationships with widows, offering support to your church leaders, or understanding your role as part of God’s family, this episode offers a guide to developing meaningful, compassionate connections within the body of Christ.

Paul’s instructions include showing respect, providing care, and offering honor where it’s due—principles that will not only strengthen your church relationships but also make your testimony a powerful witness to the world. Tune in and learn how these timeless truths can shape how you treat others, both inside and outside the church.

Scripture reading: 1 Timothy 5:1–6:2


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  • La alegría de saber que tu apoyo ayuda a que The Wisdom Journey sea posible.
  • ¡Una guía de estudio que incluye el manuscrito completo y las preguntas de la solicitud, enviada a su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico!
  • Un plan de lectura de la Biblia de tres años que corresponde a la transmisión de Wisdom Journey.
  • Las carpetas personalizadas de Wisdom Journey para guardar sus guías de estudio impresas están disponibles como una compra adicional para los miembros de la tripulación que reciben las guías de estudio.
  • ¡Un hermoso certificado de logro al completar The Wisdom Journey!