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The Order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7)

How Jesus’ Priesthood Secures Your Salvation Forever

10/18/2024 Stephen Davey

What does it mean for Jesus to be your eternal High Priest? How does that role impact your life today? In this episode, we explore Hebrews 7 and the significance of Jesus’ priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. You’ll discover how Jesus’ priesthood is different from any other, and why He is uniquely qualified to be both King and Priest. His eternal priesthood guarantees your salvation and His constant intercession gives you the assurance that you are never alone. If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re truly secure in your faith, this episode will provide the answers you need. Join us as we uncover the comforting truth that Jesus saves you to the uttermost and never stops praying for you. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your understanding of your Savior’s ongoing ministry in your life.

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