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The One and Only (Hebrews 4:14-5.10)

Why Jesus Stands Alone in His Role as Our Mediator

10/16/2024 Stephen Davey

Who do you turn to when life gets tough? In this episode, discover why Jesus Christ is more than just a religious figure—He’s the One and Only High Priest. Hebrews 4:14-5:10 reveals why Jesus is greater than all the priests of Israel, offering believers direct access to God. While earthly high priests could only approach God once a year, trembling in fear, Jesus offers permanent access with complete confidence. Today, you’ll learn why His role as High Priest and final Sacrifice makes Him unique. Whether you’re facing temptation or need grace in your struggles, Jesus is the one who sympathizes with your weaknesses and invites you to draw near to God’s throne of grace. This episode will help you understand why you don’t need any other mediator—Jesus stands alone. Listen to be encouraged, challenged, and reminded of the incredible access you have through Christ.

نأمل أن يكون هذا المورد قد بارك لكم. إن خدمتنا تُمكّنها صلاتك ويتم تمكينها من خلال دعمك المالي.
دعمكم يحدث فرقا.

هل تريد منا أن نرسل لك هذه الدروس كل يوم؟

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