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Refusing to Drift (Hebrews 2)

Staying Anchored in the Truth of Salvation

10/11/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we explore the powerful warning found in Hebrews 2 about the danger of spiritual drift. Just as the ocean’s current can pull you away from the shore, the world’s distractions and pressures can cause you to drift from the truths of your salvation. The writer of Hebrews urges believers to stay focused on the greatness of their salvation, the future glory awaiting them, and the incredible sacrifice of Jesus. Join us as we dive deep into how you can stay anchored in your faith, avoid the subtle pull of the world, and live out the powerful truths of the gospel. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or distracted, this episode will help you refocus on the hope and promise that are yours in Christ. Don’t miss this important message about staying grounded in your faith and refusing to drift away from what matters most.

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دعمكم يحدث فرقا.

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