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Refusing a Place on the Pedestal (Romans 15:17-19)

The Antidote to Self-Centered Pride: Elevating Christ Above All

06/11/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, we delve into Romans 15:17-19 where the Apostle Paul provides a powerful lesson on humility and the dangers of pride. Paul illustrates how to avoid the trap of self-centered pride by emphasizing three key practices: elevating Christ, refusing personal accolades, and highlighting the work of the Holy Spirit. Through vivid examples and personal anecdotes, Stephen Davey explores how we, too, can follow Paul's example in our own lives and ministries.

Paul begins by expressing his pride not in his own achievements, but in what Christ has accomplished through him. He emphasizes that any reason for boasting is found "in Christ Jesus." Next, Paul refuses to take credit for the spiritual fruits borne in his ministry, instead directing all glory to Christ. His humility serves as a model for us to avoid seeking personal recognition and to focus on God's work through us.

Finally, Paul underscores the importance of attributing the success of his ministry to the power of the Holy Spirit. The miraculous signs and wonders performed through him were not for his glory but to validate the gospel and demonstrate God's power. As believers today, we are reminded to rely on the Holy Spirit and elevate Christ, keeping ourselves off the pedestal and pointing others to Him. Join us in learning how to embody this humility and bring glory to God in all we do.

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