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Pastoring the Descendants of Pirates (Titus 1)

Leading a Church in a Challenging Culture

10/04/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we dive into Paul's letter to Titus, where he tasks his ministry colleague with the challenging role of pastoring the churches on the island of Crete—an island originally settled by pirates! This was no easy mission for Titus, and it’s not much easier for pastors today who face similarly rebellious and complex cultures.

In Titus 1, Paul lays out a clear checklist for selecting godly leaders to shepherd these congregations. It’s not just about finding warm bodies to fill a role—it’s about appointing men of character and conviction. Paul lists qualifications for elders that focus on integrity, godly behavior, and a firm commitment to the truth of Scripture. These leaders must not only manage their own homes well but also stand strong against false teaching, which is rampant in Crete—and still is in many churches today.

Titus’s task mirrors the struggles of many modern pastors who are tasked with leading congregations in tough environments. Paul's advice to Titus is as relevant now as it was then: to lead with integrity, love the truth, and boldly confront falsehood.

Whether you’re in church leadership or simply want to understand the vital role pastors play in the spiritual health of the church, this episode provides timeless insight into the high calling and demands of pastoring. Listen in to discover how the same principles that guided Titus on that pirate-filled island can guide today’s leaders in faithfully shepherding their flocks and confronting challenges head-on.


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