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(1 Samuel 18 - 20) Dodging Spears

1 Samuel 18 - 20

06/20/2022 Stephen Davey

To know God and walk with Him is to become the target of God's enemies. David suffered injustice and opposition because he did the right things. His... read more

(1 Samuel 16 - 17) David and Goliath

1 Samuel 16 - 17

06/17/2022 Stephen Davey

David first appears in the Bible as a young man with a great faith. While overlooked and dismissed by others, he has a heart for God that soon... read more

(1 Samuel 13 - 15) The Fall of King Saul

1 Samuel 13 - 15

06/16/2022 Stephen Davey

Impatience with God's timing leads to disobeying God. And disobedience, without genuine repentance, leads to more disobedience and arrogant... read more

(1 Samuel 9 - 12) The Wrong Choice for the Wrong Reason

1 Samuel 9 - 12

06/15/2022 Stephen Davey

People are enamored with impressive appearances. But the Bible is consistent in teaching that it is character--what is in the heart--that counts.... read more

(1 Samuel 7:3 - 8:22) Verbs of Action and Repentance

1 Samuel 7:3 - 8:22

06/14/2022 Stephen Davey

Why would people surrender the sure protection of God for the uncertain hope that a human leader would protect them and provide for them? When people... read more

(1 Samuel 4:1 - 7:2) Treating God Like a Lucky Charm

1 Samuel 4:1 - 7:2

06/13/2022 Stephen Davey

When people seek to "use" God rather than seek to be used by Him, tragedy is assured. Israel saw God's ark as nothing more than a good-luck charm.... read more

(1 Samuel 1 - 3) From Hannah to Shiloh

1 Samuel 1 - 3

06/10/2022 Stephen Davey

The birth of Samuel in the midst of spiritual apostasy in Israel marked a turning point for the nation. Standing in contrast to the corrupt... read more

(Ruth 4:13-22) And They Lived Happily Ever After

Ruth 4:13-22

06/09/2022 Stephen Davey

Hope is key to turning bitterness to joy. And hope comes from faith in God and living faithfully for Him. For Naomi it was a long trek from... read more

(Ruth 4:1-12) Sealed With a Sandal

Ruth 4:1-12

06/08/2022 Stephen Davey

One measure of godly character is Christlike love--love that is selfless, sacrificial, and undeterred by obstacles. Boaz's determination to do... read more

(Ruth 3) A Midnight Proposal

Ruth 3

06/07/2022 Stephen Davey

We can't control all the circumstances in our lives, but we can control how we respond to them. Ruth responded to her difficulties with humility,... read more

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