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Leading Without Pretending (1 Thessalonians 2:1-16)

A Genuine Example of Spiritual Leadership

09/10/2024 Stephen Davey

In a world where many people resort to deception to gain favor or recognition, the Apostle Paul stands out as an example of genuine leadership and integrity. Writing to the Thessalonians, Paul defends his ministry against false accusations by pointing to his sincere, selfless service among them. He wasn’t interested in using flattery, seeking glory, or building a following for himself. Instead, Paul’s leadership was marked by humility, care, and a genuine desire to see others grow in faith. Let’s explore how Paul’s example challenges us to lead without pretense, serve with sincerity, and give all glory to God.

Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16

نأمل أن يكون هذا المورد قد بارك لكم. إن خدمتنا تُمكّنها صلاتك ويتم تمكينها من خلال دعمك المالي.
دعمكم يحدث فرقا.

هل تريد منا أن نرسل لك هذه الدروس كل يوم؟

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