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Homesick for Loved Ones (1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:13)

Encouragement in Times of Separation and Suffering

09/11/2024 Stephen Davey

Have you ever been separated from a loved one and longed for their return? The Apostle Paul knew this feeling well as he wrote to the Thessalonian believers from afar. Despite being separated by distance, Paul’s concern for their spiritual well-being was clear, as he prayed fervently for them and encouraged them to stand firm in their faith. In 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:13, Paul reminds us of the value of deep relationships in the body of Christ, the inevitability of suffering, and the importance of encouraging one another in love. Let's explore how Paul’s heartfelt message speaks to our own experiences of longing and faithfulness today.

Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:13

نأمل أن يكون هذا المورد قد بارك لكم. إن خدمتنا تُمكّنها صلاتك ويتم تمكينها من خلال دعمك المالي.
دعمكم يحدث فرقا.

هل تريد منا أن نرسل لك هذه الدروس كل يوم؟

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