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Greater Than Moses (Hebrews 3:1–4:10)

Why Jesus Surpasses the Greatest Leader of Israel

10/14/2024 Stephen Davey

In this episode, we explore the powerful comparison between Jesus and Moses as presented in Hebrews chapter 3. While Moses was the great leader who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law, Hebrews reveals that Jesus is far superior. The writer of Hebrews shows how Jesus surpasses Moses in His person, performance, and promise. We’ll discuss how Jesus is not only the Son of God but also the builder of God’s household—the church. While Moses faithfully served God’s people, Jesus offers something Moses could never provide: eternal rest. If you’re feeling the weight of life’s battles or struggling with drifting from your faith, this episode will help you refocus on the greater promises Jesus offers. Tune in to discover why trusting in Christ means entering a rest that begins now and lasts forever.

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