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Grafted into the Goodness of God (Romans 11:16-24)

05/10/2024 Stephen Davey

In today's lesson, Stephen explores Romans 11:16-24, using the metaphor of an olive tree to reveal how God's blessings extend to both Jews and Gentiles. Learn how wild Gentile believers have been miraculously grafted into Abraham's spiritual heritage and experience the nourishing root of God's grace. Stephen also addresses common misunderstandings of this passage, such as the false doctrines of British-Israelism and the idea that it refers to individual salvation.

Key takeaway: Gentiles are grafted into God's blessings, not to become arrogant, but to live with humility, gratitude, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online (https://www.wisdomonline.org) for additional resources and deeper exploration of God's plan for the Jewish people and how it intersects with your own faith.

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