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About This Series:

In this sermon series, "The Shepherd's Mantle," Stephen examines Titus 1:5-16 to explore Paul’s instructions on spiritual leadership. Paul calls Titus to appoint leaders who reflect godly character, integrity, and a commitment to sound doctrine. Each message uncovers the essential traits of a true shepherd, offering insight into the high calling of leadership within the church. Whether you’re called to lead or simply seeking to grow in your faith, this series challenges us all to embrace the responsibility of protecting and nurturing God’s people, while upholding the truth in a world of compromise.

Sermons In This Series

1. Politically Incorrect (Titus 1:5)

Far too often we treat the Church like a corporation rather than a body of believers owned and led by Christ. Pastors have started adopting secular business strategies and models of leadership rather than biblical models. In this message Stephen challenges us to stop conforming to culture and start transforming it.

2. Raising the Bar (Titus 1:6)

Jesus Christ set the bar for leadership forever. And it wasn't the kind of leadership that lords itself over people or demands obedience and honor but the kind that gets on its knees to wash a sinner's feet

3. 21st Century Stewards (Titus 1:7)

Many pastors today are more worried about writing the next bestseller or adding numbers to their congregation than truly shepherding the flock of God. In this portion of the series 'The Shepherd's Mantle,' Stephen reminds us that more than teaching and leading, a pastor's greatest responsibility is to be a good steward.

4. The New Normal (Titus 1:8)

Sometimes we think we have to be radical Christians in order to make a difference in society. But the truth is Christianity is already radical enough! To be a normal follower of Christ is to introduce a 'new normal' to our culture. Join Stephen in this message as he challenges us to take Christ's commands seriously.

5. Chocolate Soldiers (Titus 1:8–9)

Coexist' stickers are rampant in our culture. Cries for unity between religions and tolerance from Christians are at an all-time high. Sermons about sin and hell are considered old-fashioned and narrow-minded. But this means we have an amazing opportunity for the Gospel! In today's message, Stephen challenges us to forsake political correctness and get back to biblical correctness.

6. The Character of a Con Artist (Titus 1:10–14)

There have always been wolves in sheep’s clothing in the Church. In the Apostle James’ day the wolves were Jewish leaders who misguided diverse congregations into thinking salvation had to be earned. Who are the wolves in our day and age?

7. Unmasked (Titus 1:12–16)

How many people today are following Christ to make a name for themselves? To make extra money? How many pastors are only in it for the popularity and prestige? In this message Stephen challenges us to take off our halo and carry our cross.

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