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Wisdom Commentary Series - Bundle and Save!

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For more than 35 years, Stephen Davey has studied the Scriptures as he pastors The Shepherd's Church. Now, Stephen wants to share his studies with you through his Bible commentary series. This series carefully expounds each verse, it includes all of Stephen's outlines as well as practical application for believers.

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Products Included in Bundle

Ruth Commentary

Ruth Commentary

The beautiful story of love found in the book of Ruth will dazzle the imagination and ignite genuine worship. Watch in amazement as the sovereign hand of God is revealed, making this fairytale come true, as well as unwrapping wonderful principles regarding the love of Christ for His bride! 

Hardback - 125 Pages

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ruth 2 2

Job Commentary

Job Commentary

In 39 seconds Job’s life changed forever. One messenger tripped over another to bring him devastating, heartbreaking news. What Job didn’t know was that God had chosen to make him an example of genuine faith in the midst of trying times. His life deserves a closer examination. 

Hardback - 343 Pages

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job 2 1

Esther Commentary

Esther Commentary

At first glance, Esther is the heroine and Mordecai the master manipulator. Take a closer look, however, and you'll discover that behind the scenes, God is pulling the strings as His sovereign providence unfolds. 

Hardback - 148 Pages

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Nehemiah: Memoirs of an Ordinary Man

Nehemiah: Memoirs of an Ordinary Man

Nehemiah received a radical calling from God: to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. And through his faithfulness to his faithful God, he did! God led His obedient servant to attempt impossible, extraordinary things for His glory, and we can learn from Nehemiah's example.

This book:

  • Gives you a timeless example of how God can make a somebody out of a nobody.
  • Reveals what God can do with a person who yields his life to the will of His Father and doesn’t have to receive the credit but gives any and all glory to Him.
  • Removes any excuses that you may offer regarding your own inadequacies or inabilities.

Hardback - 204 Pages

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nehemiah 2 1

Jonah Commentary

Jonah Commentary

A prodigal prophet turned in his clergy badge and heads for the far country. Unknown to Jonah, Yahweh isn't interested in his early retirement and sends a whale to provide transportation back into ministry. Jonah's story displays God's unrelenting grace, given to saints and sinners alike. 

Hardback - 93 Pages

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jonah 2 1

Philippians Commentary

Philippians Commentary

It's little wonder why the church at Philippi was Paul's favorite church. They loved him, supported him, and encouraged him. Furthermore, they modeled what a church should be — a living demonstration of the unifying, forgiving, motivating power of the gospel of Christ. 

Hardback - 511 Pages

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philippians 2 1

Titus Commentary

Titus Commentary

No matter what culture does, the Church unashamedly delivers truth and hope. How is the Christian supposed to live out the Gospel? An inspired letter from the first century to a young pastor answered that question then, and the answer haven't changed today. 

Hardback - 368 Pages

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titus 2 1

Hebrews 11 Commentary

Hebrews 11 Commentary

What is faith? No better answer is given in perhaps all the Bible than in the great eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. Here a tapestry is unfolded, depicting great examples of faith from the record of Old Testament heroes. 

Hardback - 141 Pages

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hebrews 2

James Commentary

James Commentary

The Apostle James pulls no punches as he encouraged the believer to practice what he preaches. While many New Testament epistles deliver what we are to believe, James declares how we should behave. In this letter, one theme is clear: our faith must be lived out! 

Hardback - 404 Pages

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james 2 1

1-3 John Commentary

1-3 John Commentary

How can we be sure Jesus is who He claimed to be? The apostle John knew about the power of an eyewitness account, and he wrote three letters to the first-century church encouraging them with a defense of Jesus’ divinity. As Stephen unpacks these letters from “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” the message for the church is clear: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Hardback - 470 Pages

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$ 159.00

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