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Luke 19-21 / Here Comes The King CD Set

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This Eleven-CD set features Stephen Davey's teaching through Luke 19:28 - 21:38.

In this powerful 11-part sermon series, "Here Comes The King," Stephen explores the dramatic events from Luke 19:28 to Luke 21:38, capturing the final days of Jesus' earthly ministry. Witness the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, His confrontations with religious leaders, and His profound teachings about the end times. Each message uncovers deep spiritual truths about His kingship, the cost of discipleship, and the call to remain faithful in uncertain times. Join Stephen as we journey through these pivotal moments in the life of Christ, learning how to live with a heart prepared for His return and a life fully surrendered to the King.

Sermons in the series Here Comes The King include:

Prophecy Matters!
Forecasting the Future
What to Expect in Life
The End is Nearer than Ever!
The Widow's Mite
One Final Riddle
Paying Your Dues
The Heir Has Arrived
Jesus Wept . . . Again!
Perfect Timing

Luke 19:28–48; 20; 21

$ 55.00

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