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Haggai Study Guide

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The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Haggai.

The ministry of Haggai, at least what is recorded in Scripture, lasted only a few months. It had a very narrow focus but a profound impact. God raised up Haggai to call the Jewish people who returned to the land after the Babylonian exile to finish the job they had started but left off doing—rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. The book of Haggai is a collection of four brief sermons that address that issue. They offer sharp rebuke for neglecting the construction of the temple but also encouragement to finish it once the work is resumed. By his example and his words, Haggai teaches us to make God’s priorities our priorities.

1 Lesson

About These Study Guides:

Members of The Crew receive the study guides over three years as they follow The Wisdom Journey. Joining The Crew helps support our mission and makes it possible for us to develop The Wisdom Journey. Everyone who is in The Crew for three years will receive every study guide.

These study guides are for the use of the purchaser and his/her immediate family. Please do not distribute or share this material. NOTE: This is a digital resource. After you purchase this resource, It will be available in the "My Media" section of your account. 

Haggai 1–2

$ 0.50

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