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James 5:7-20 / "Endurance" (CD Set)

web 2020 15

As the Apostle James comes to the end of his letter, one word comes to mind: endurance. This series reveals the practical truths of James' final words—truths that produce endurance for life!

You can also listen to Endurance free and on demand.

7 Lessons

  1. Observations from a Farm James 5:7–9
  2. Following the Footprints James 5:10–11
  3. Honest to God . . . and Everyone Else! James 5:12
  4. Does Prayer + Oil = Healing? James 5:13–15
  5. Ordinary Prayers from Ordinary People James 5:16–18
  6. Drifting James 5:19–20
  7. Family Talk Conclusion to James


James 5:7–20

$ 35.00

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