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Colossians Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for Colossians.

History tells us—indeed, our own lives tell us—that following Christ is no easy task. There are challenges from temptations and the pressures of our culture. There are even intellectual and philosophical challenges, which push us to compromise biblical teaching by adapting it to, or merging it with, current ideas. Such challenges are not new. The church in first-century Colossae faced the same kinds of issues. The answer is not new either. Just like the Colossian church, we need to be reminded of the supremacy of Jesus Christ in who He is and what He has done and given a fresh understanding of what we possess in Him. The book of Colossians gives us exactly that.

4 Lessons

About These Study Guides:

Members of The Crew receive the study guides over three years as they follow The Wisdom Journey. Joining The Crew helps support our mission and makes it possible for us to develop The Wisdom Journey. Everyone who is in The Crew for three years will receive every study guide.

These study guides are for the use of the purchaser and his/her immediate family. Please do not distribute or share this material. NOTE: This is a digital resource. After you purchase this resource, It will be available in the "My Media" section of your account. 

Colossians 1–4

$ 2.00

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