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Amos Study Guide

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The Wisdom Journey study guides for the book of Amos.

The prophecy of Amos was given during a time of economic prosperity but spiritual poverty. Beneath the surface of outward success in the northern kingdom of Israel lay great injustice, oppression, immorality, and greed. Amos emphasizes that God will hold Israel accountable for such social and ethical misconduct. Indeed, such godless living, along with the continuing worship of the golden calves, constitute a total rejection of God and His covenant and warrant divine judgment.

1 Lesson

About These Study Guides:

The little book of Obadiah has a short but sharp message for Edom, a persistent enemy of Israel. Simply put, that message is that God’s principle of justice is unavoidable: “As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head.” God’s justice will prevail.

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Amos 1–9

$ 1.50

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