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Esther (CD Set)

Esther (CD Set)


Scandals abound in a drama cast in the ancient Persian Empire. At first glance, Esther is the heroine and Mordecai the master manipulator. But behind the scenes, God is pulling the strings as His sovereign providence unfolds. ...

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Job Commentary

Job Commentary


In 39 seconds Job’s life changed forever. One messenger tripped over another to bring him devastating, heartbreaking news. What Job didn’t know was that God had chosen to make him an example of genuine faith in the midst of trying times. His life deserves a closer examination. ...

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Job 1-2 / "When Lightning Strikes" (CD Set)

Job 1-2 / "When Lightning Strikes" (CD Set)


All it took was 39 seconds and all of Job's hopes, plans, and dreams were gone. For anyone who has experienced the thunderbolt of suffering, the testimony of Job and His faithfulness to God offers comfort and perspective. There is hope even When Lightning Strikes. ...

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Job 3-37 / "The Hush Of Heaven" (CD Set)

Job 3-37 / "The Hush Of Heaven" (CD Set)


In the second of three sermon series on the life of Job, Stephen Davey examines the suffering of Job and the silence of God. Where do we turn when the storm clouds roll in and God can no longer be seen or heard? Truth can be discovered and hope can be found even during the hush of heaven. ...

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Job 38-42 / "When God Speaks" (CD Set)

Job 38-42 / "When God Speaks" (CD Set)


After 38 chapters of painful silence, God finally answers Job. However, it's not in the way Job would have imagined. Join Stephen in this series and discover a glimpse into God's character as He responds to Job's suffering in an unforgettable way. ...

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Psalms / "The Song Volume 1" (CD Set)

Psalms / "The Song Volume 1" (CD Set)


There is no doubt why King David is the greatest hymn writer. Inspired by God, they are personal, introspective, honest, and humble. Go behind-the-scenes with David’s most beloved compositions, and see how some of our brightest songs are born out of the darkest places. ...

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Psalms  / "The Song Volume 2" (CD Set)

Psalms / "The Song Volume 2" (CD Set)


Part of what makes David’s Psalms so enriching is that they are as practical as they are personal. His lyrics are filled with words of wisdom that touch every aspect of our lives today. Find life lessons from these inspired lyrics in Volume 2 of, The Song: Compositions of King David. ...

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Beside Still Waters (CD Set)

Beside Still Waters (CD Set)


We live in an era of amazing medical and technological advancements. But even in our sophisticated world we haven't grown wiser or closer to God. So this series takes us verse-by-verse through David's wonderful message in Psalm 23 to remind us of the simplicity of devotion to the Savior.

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Proverbs / "The Quest for Hidden Treasure" (CD Set)

Proverbs / "The Quest for Hidden Treasure" (CD Set)


Wisdom is that precious gem that nearly everyone desires, but few ever seek. Join Stephen in this series as he tells us how and where to look for it. ...

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Ecclesiastes 1-3 / "Finding Meaning Under the Sun" (CD Set)

Ecclesiastes 1-3 / "Finding Meaning Under the Sun" (CD Set)


To this day, King Solomon is touted as the wisest man to ever live, but even he quickly turned away from following God. Only in his last days did he remember the Truth and return to the Wisdom-giver. With urgency, Solomon tells us to learn from his mistakes. ...

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Daniel / "The First Wise Man" (CD Set)

Daniel / "The First Wise Man" (CD Set)


Abducted from his home, forced into strange and pagan environments, required to answer to a new name and respond in a new language, Daniel had every reason to doubt God. Instead, Daniel rose to the highest levels of political leadership without ever abandoning his faith. ...

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Jonah Commentary

Jonah Commentary


A prodigal prophet turned in his clergy badge and heads for the far country. Unknown to Jonah, Yahweh isn't interested in his early retirement and sends a whale to provide transportation back into ministry. Jonah's story displays God's unrelenting grace, given to saints and sinners alike. ...

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Jonah / "The Prodigal Prophet" (CD Set)

Jonah / "The Prodigal Prophet" (CD Set)


The book of Jonah is more than a fish story. It's an amazing account of God delivering grace to a people who deserved nothing but judgment as well as an account of a prophet delivering a message he needed for himself. This series highlights the different responses to God's grace. ...

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Matthew 5 / "Overcoming The Me Attitudes" (CD Set)

Matthew 5 / "Overcoming The Me Attitudes" (CD Set)


According to Christ's own words, happiness is not found by getting your own way, but by giving yourself away. It's not attained by gaining the world, but by learning how to give it up. This series will challenge you to replace your Me Attitudes with Beatitudes. ...

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Mark 1-4 / "The Gospel of Action Part 1" (CD Set)

Mark 1-4 / "The Gospel of Action Part 1" (CD Set)


As flames engulf Rome, Christians are being blamed. Fearing for their lives, they are forced to meet in secret. Then a letter from Mark arrives. Their fearful hearts are encouraged and they are inspired to follow Him regardless of the cost, and your heart will be encouraged too. ...

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Mark Volume 1 (Study Guide)

Mark Volume 1 (Study Guide)


As flames engulf the city of Rome, Christians are being blamed. Fearing for their lives, they are forced to meet in secret. Then a letter from Mark arrives. His words encourage their hearts as they learn of Jesus' power over sickness, disease, and even death.

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Mark Volume 2 (Study Guide)

Mark Volume 2 (Study Guide)


In the latter half of Mark's Gospel, Jesus teaches His disciples what it really means to be His ambassadors. Explore some profound truths about discipleship from those private conversations.

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Mark 5-16 / "The Gospel of Action Part 2"  (CD Set)

Mark 5-16 / "The Gospel of Action Part 2" (CD Set)


In the latter half of Mark's Gospel, Jesus teaches His disciples what it really means to be His ambassadors. So join Stephen in this series as he teaches us profound truths about discipleship from those private conversations. ...

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Luke 1-3 / "Good News of Great Joy" (CD Set)

Luke 1-3 / "Good News of Great Joy" (CD Set)


The birth of Jesus Christ was preceded, announced, and evidenced by several miraculous events. From angellic appearances to pertenent prophecy, the birth of our Messiah was no ordinary event. ...

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Luke 4-6:11 / "The Ministry Begins" (CD Set)

Luke 4-6:11 / "The Ministry Begins" (CD Set)


This series is the second in Stephen's exposition of the Gospel of Luke. This series covers Luke 4:1-6:11. ...

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Luke 6:12-16 / "The Master's Men" (CD set)

Luke 6:12-16 / "The Master's Men" (CD set)


In Luke 6, Jesus went before His Father, in the presence of the Holy Spirit. The entire Trinity was involved in intimate communication. They were talking about something very important. They were praying a blessing and commitment on the disciples Jesus was about to choose to follow Him in his...

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Luke 6:17-49 / "Sermon on the Plateau" (CD Set)

Luke 6:17-49 / "Sermon on the Plateau" (CD Set)


The Sermon on the Plateau 7 message CD set. ...

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Luke 7-8 / "Demonstrations of Resurrection Power" (CD Set)

Luke 7-8 / "Demonstrations of Resurrection Power" (CD Set)


Jesus is about to make a significant turn in His ministry, as He extends the promise of salvation beyond the Jewish community and speaks directly to Gentiles. In Jesus’ interaction with a Roman centurion, the expression of faith in Jesus and miraculous healing are no different than what Jesus has...

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Luke 9-10 / "Into The Spotlight" (CD Set)

Luke 9-10 / "Into The Spotlight" (CD Set)


The Great Commission is more than just an abstract concept, it’s a practical command for us to obey today. But does the idea of preaching the gospel and witnessing to others sometimes seem to be too daunting for you to do? The disciples felt the same way. After sitting under Jesus’ teaching for...

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Luke 11 / The Disciples Prayer CD Set

Luke 11 / The Disciples Prayer CD Set


Luke 11:1-13 contains Jesus' teaching on prayer, starting with the disciples' request to teach them how to pray. Jesus responds with what is now known as the Lord's Prayer, which includes petitions for God's will to be done, for daily provision, and for forgiveness. Jesus emphasizes persistence in...

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