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In Living Color (CD Set)

In Living Color (CD Set)


Creation shows us who God is and reveals His utter magnificence. In response to this truth, do we run to God? Do we relinquish fear into His loving hands? Ultimately, God’s creative glory allows us, His prized creation, to praise Him and live in his love. ...

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Introducing God (CD Set)

Introducing God (CD Set)


Leave your megaphones, soapboxes, and cardboard signs at home and join Paul as he takes the gospel from the crowded streets of Asia Minor to your neighborhood. ...

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Legacies of Light (CD Set)

Legacies of Light (CD Set)


The word of God is filled with biography. God loves to teach lasting lessons through the lives of individuals. This biographical series illustrates biblical truths through the lives of contemporary believers, those with a legacy of light. ...

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Prophecies & Predictions (CD Set)

Prophecies & Predictions (CD Set)


Predictions about the rapture of the Church have captivated that institution since its earliest days. And little wonder—since the last thing the Lord told His disciples was that He was coming back! But can we just sit around waiting for him? No, that is altogether destructive for our faith.

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Stewardship 101 (CD Set)

Stewardship 101 (CD Set)


Money is a sensitive subject, isn’t it? We work hard for it. We need it to survive. We treasure it and keep it safe. But stewardship is also just as necessary to our spiritual growth as prayer, fasting, and meditating on Scripture. So what guidance does God give us on this subject?

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The Newest Evangelicals?! (CD Set)

The Newest Evangelicals?! (CD Set)


In this series, Mormonism is revealed for what it is: a false gospel. Just what are the real differences between Mormons and Christians? How should we respond to Mormons who come to our door? Most importantly, how can we reach our Mormon friends with the gospel of Jesus Christ? ...

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Upon this Rock (CD Set)

Upon this Rock (CD Set)


In two thousand years of history, local churches have never been so confused about their purpose and identity as they are today. Coffee shop Christianity has become the new norm. In this timely study, we rediscover why our need for God’s assembly is as great as it ever has been. ...

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Angels, Demons & Other Flying Creatures (Study Guide)

Angels, Demons & Other Flying Creatures (Study Guide)


Our world is flooded with myths and legends regarding the nature, ministry, power, and influence of angelic creatures. What does the Bible say about angels, demons, and other flying creatures? Find out!

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An Indescribable Gift - Christmas (CD Set)

An Indescribable Gift - Christmas (CD Set)


Beyond those present at the Nativity, God included other characters in His drama we call the Christmas Story. But who are they? And what part do they play in the timeless scenes that unfold? Learn how an Old Testament prophet, family tree, and you fit into the story.

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A Thanksgiving Harvest (CD Set)

A Thanksgiving Harvest (CD Set)


At a time of year where our daily thanksgivings are expanded and shared with extended family and friends alike, it is good to have perspective. What are we thankful for in life and to whom are we thankful? Take time to stop and remember all that the Lord has done.

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Beyond Bethlehem (CD Set)

Beyond Bethlehem (CD Set)


Many people have a basic understanding of several key events in the life of Jesus Christ: His birth, crucifixion, and resurrection. But what happened during his boyhood years gives us an inspiring glimpse of our Savior.

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Bodies Of Evidence (CD Set)

Bodies Of Evidence (CD Set)


How much evidence is needed to make a case convincing? The case for the deity of Christ should have been settled when Jesus conquered death and rose from the grave, but there is further evidence: the dead people walking!

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Conversions at Calvary (CD Set)

Conversions at Calvary (CD Set)


What took place 2,000 years ago on that hill called Calvary proved the most defining moment in world history, not only because Jesus hung on a cross for the sins of His people, but because He hung on a cross for the sins of all the world for all of time.

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The Chronicles of Christmas (CD Set)

The Chronicles of Christmas (CD Set)


The stories of C.S. Lewis are interwoven with biblical themes and spiritual truth that serve as a backdrop for a far greater story. Experience the life-changing story of creation, temptation, and victory in The Chronicles of Christmas.

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Christmas Choices (CD Set)

Christmas Choices (CD Set)


This Christmas series takes a look at some of the critical choices that made Christmas possible. From Joseph's choice to wed Mary to God's choice to send His Son, the Christmas story is full of choices that changed history. Let's join Stephen in this series to discover what they are.

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Christmas Cousins (CD Set)

Christmas Cousins (CD Set)


At the dawning of the New Testament era, God’s Word was delivered by Gabriel. The lives of two women would be turned upside down. A married woman couldn’t get pregnant and would be told that she will be. Her unmarried cousin shouldn’t be pregnant and was told that she is. ...

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Christmas Light (CD Set)

Christmas Light (CD Set)


Dark clouds are surrounding the Church. James has been martyred. Peter has allegedly been crucified upside down. And even Paul has been beheaded by Nero. But John, the last living apostle, will flood every heart with light as he delivers an unashamed and unforgettable eye-witness account. ...

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The Enoch Example: A Father's Legacy (CD Set)

The Enoch Example: A Father's Legacy (CD Set)


Everyone has a legacy. What will yours be? Will your children say you walked with God or ran from Him? Will your grandchildren receive an inheritance of earthly riches or heavenly ones? Discover the answer to those questions in this series, "The Enoch Example."

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Emmanuel (CD Set)

Emmanuel (CD Set)


The birth of Christ is unique to human history. But what difference did it make to those early, first century participants? This Christmas series takes us behind the nativity scene to reveal significant truths that will cause us, like the wise men of old, to worship Christ anew.

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They're Your Kids, Be Their Dad! (CD Set)

They're Your Kids, Be Their Dad! (CD Set)


In this 4-message series, Stephen examines four biblical fathers and highlights their strengths and weaknesses. These biblical illustrations will remind us that fatherhood is both a serious responsibility and a serious privilege. ...

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The Gospel According to Gabriel (CD Set)

The Gospel According to Gabriel (CD Set)


Some people in the world today are skeptical of angels. Others are a bit too infatuated with them. But all in all, no one seems to have a clue who they are and what their purpose is. Let's get a glimpse into the nature and character of angels, and see why they are so important to our faith.

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His Family Tree (CD Set)

His Family Tree (CD Set)


In our Bibles, the various genealogies (or records of descent) can be challenging, so they’re often glossed over or even skipped. But knowing about the family tree of Jesus is meaningful. This often-ignored list of names demonstrates God’s goodness, sovereignty, supremacy, and victory. ...

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It's A Boy! (CD Set)

It's A Boy! (CD Set)


Even before the miracles, parables, sea-side teachings, salvific death, and glorious resurrection, the gospel still illuminates these opening scenes of Jesus’ earthly life. The message of Act One is clear: there is no caste system at God's table.

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Life after Easter (CD Set)

Life after Easter (CD Set)


The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the bedrock of the Christian faith. We look to Christ’s victory over death for our hope in the future, but that victory should also affect us in the present. Find out how in Life after Easter.

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Portraits of Mom (CD Set)

Portraits of Mom (CD Set)


What kind of legacy are you leaving your children? God has provided several examples of godly mothers in the Bible. Unlike the world, their legacies were not measured by fame or fortune; they was measured by their faithfulness to God and His Word.

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