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James Commentary

James Commentary


The Apostle James pulls no punches as he encouraged the believer to practice what he preaches. While many New Testament epistles deliver what we are to believe, James declares how we should behave. In this letter, one theme is clear: our faith must be lived out! ...

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James 1 / "Bringing Faith Down to Earth" (CD Set)

James 1 / "Bringing Faith Down to Earth" (CD Set)


Written by James, the half-brother of Jesus, this book challenges believers to practice what they preach. While many of the New Testament writers teach us what we are to believe, James teaches how we should behave. ...

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James 2:1-13 / "The Law of Love" (CD Set)

James 2:1-13 / "The Law of Love" (CD Set)


How easy is it for Christians to get tangled up in the trappings of racism, classism, and culturalism? The Apostle James challenges the believer to put away partiality and stop labeling each other in any way other than "in Christ."

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James 2:14-26 / "Faith Works" (CD Set)

James 2:14-26 / "Faith Works" (CD Set)


God never intended Christianity to remain indoors. It was designed for the outdoors—to be communicated to the world through our walk of faith. So James challenges us all to get off the spiritual shelf and start working for God! ...

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James 3:1-12 / "Speech Therapy for Saints" (CD Set)

James 3:1-12 / "Speech Therapy for Saints" (CD Set)


Did you know the average person speaks between 2,000 and 10,000 words a day?! So what do we do with our words? Lets go back to the convicting book of James and give a long, hard look at our hearts — through the window of our mouths.

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Ecclesiastes 7-12 / "Pursuing Wisdom Under the Sun" (CD Set)

Ecclesiastes 7-12 / "Pursuing Wisdom Under the Sun" (CD Set)


You need discernment to interpret the events of your life wisely. You need wisdom to walk through life in a way that brings glory and honor to God. In the second half of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon shares the discernment and wisdom God gave him. Join Stephen in this series as he explores Solomon's...

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James 3:13-18 / "A Word to the Wise" (CD Set)

James 3:13-18 / "A Word to the Wise" (CD Set)


When we pray and ask God for wisdom, what exactly are we asking for? An inner compulsion to do something or not do something? A sign from heaven, perhaps? James’ convicting letter reminds us what Godly wisdom is really all about.

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James 4:1-5:6 / "Satisfied" (CD Set)

James 4:1-5:6 / "Satisfied" (CD Set)


Are you satisfied in your life today? If not, why not? James tells us that the only thing really blocking our way to satisfaction is us! Satisfaction doesn’t come from what we have on the outside, it comes from what we have on the inside. ...

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James 5:7-20 / "Endurance" (CD Set)

James 5:7-20 / "Endurance" (CD Set)


As the Apostle James comes to the end of his letter, one word comes to mind: endurance. This series reveals the practical truths of James' final words—truths that produce endurance for life! ...

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1 Peter 1:1-12 / "Profiling Christians" (CD Set)

1 Peter 1:1-12 / "Profiling Christians" (CD Set)


In the midst of trial, we look for encouragement, and the Apostle Peter gave it to some scattered, marginalized, persecuted Christians living in Asia Minor. No matter how difficult the trial; no matter how dark the night; God's promise still stands. ...

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1 Peter 1:13-2:12 / "In Pursuit of Holiness" (CD Set)

1 Peter 1:13-2:12 / "In Pursuit of Holiness" (CD Set)


Holiness is more than just doing good deeds, driving the speed limit, paying taxes on time, and helping old ladies across the street. It is an all-encompassing, all-consuming pursuit of Christ-likeness. Stephen brings us more insight in his brand new study of 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2. ...

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1 Peter 2:13-25 / "Above Politics and Parliaments" Series (CD Set)

1 Peter 2:13-25 / "Above Politics and Parliaments" Series (CD Set)


Americans learn about many core values. Democracy. Freedom. Constitutional rights. That’s what we fight for and die for. But the apostle Peter delivers a message that cuts through party lines, political theories, and nationalistic ideals, as he reminds us where our true citizenship lies.

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1 Peter 3:1-7 / "For Better or For Worse" (CD Set)

1 Peter 3:1-7 / "For Better or For Worse" (CD Set)


Before making covenants with Abraham, Moses and David, God established the very first covenant at the dawning of human history: marriage. When husbands and wives say "I do," they are committing to be part of a Christian's great commission. ...

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1 Peter 3:8-4:6 / "Christianity 101" (CD Set)

1 Peter 3:8-4:6 / "Christianity 101" (CD Set)


As Peter takes us deeper in our understanding of what life in Christ promises and requires, he doesn’t unravel a secret code or a hidden mystery. He simply expounds on the inspired, timeless words of David in Psalm 34:12-16 that lay the foundation for how children of God should think and act. ...

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1 Peter 4:7-19 / "Servival Kit" (CD Set)

1 Peter 4:7-19 / "Servival Kit" (CD Set)


How should we prepare for the end of the world? Like doomsday survivalists? No, but like believers looking toward the glorious return of Jesus and our eternal existence beyond life on this earth. Our “servival” kit is of a completely different nature from the world's. ...

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1 Peter 5 / "Framing the Flock" (CD Set)

1 Peter 5 / "Framing the Flock" (CD Set)


How do we stand firm in the victory of Jesus? The Apostle Peter provides a guidebook for churches, starting with the shephers, moving to the flock, and then warning of the wolves, especially the ones disguised to fit in. ...

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1 John 1:1-2:27 / "After Darkness, Light" (CD Set)

1 John 1:1-2:27 / "After Darkness, Light" (CD Set)


As the Apostle John begins his first letter to believers, it’s obvious that he wants to make several contrasts very clear: life vs. death; love vs. hate; light vs. darkness. We have left the kingdom of darkness and belong to God’s kingdom of light. ...

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1 John 2:28-4:21 / "Heart to Heart" (CD Set)

1 John 2:28-4:21 / "Heart to Heart" (CD Set)


In this special series of messages taken from the third and fourth chapters of First John, much of our attention rests on one key subject—love. John sweeps us along from one heartfelt topic of love to another. These principles of love come to us directly — from God’s heart to ours. ...

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I John 5 / "Without a Doubt" (CD Set)

I John 5 / "Without a Doubt" (CD Set)


Apologetics isn’t just for smart, educated believers; it’s for every believer. And in I John chapter 5, the Apostle John reminds us all — from the brilliant to the simple — that the living and active proof of our salvation isn’t in a book, it’s in us. ...

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2 & 3 John / "Postcards From John" (CD Set)

2 & 3 John / "Postcards From John" (CD Set)


Few things can reveal a person’s character more than private correspondence. The Apostle John wrote three letters, and in the last two, we see intimate and encouraging correspondences to John’s friends, providing us a wonderful pattern to follow in our own interactions with others. ...

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"Special Delivery" (CD Set)

"Special Delivery" (CD Set)


God sent out seven special letters to seven unique churches in Asia Minor and in those letters we see a clear glimpse into how God views success in ministry. These letters are full of warnings and commendations for churches then as well as for churches now. ...

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Revelation 4-6 / "The First Hymns of Heaven" (CD Set)

Revelation 4-6 / "The First Hymns of Heaven" (CD Set)


Have you ever wondered what the music of heaven is like? In this series, we go on a tour of heaven, where we'll listen in awe to a Divinely orchestrated symphony. Millions of angels and saints fill every corridor of heaven with songs of praise. ...

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Revelation 6-7 / "Four Horsemen and the Coming World Madness" (CD Set)

Revelation 6-7 / "Four Horsemen and the Coming World Madness" (CD Set)


Will the church be present during the Tribulation? Are we close to the sound of the horsemen today? What should the Christian do in light of this coming terror? The tribulation period is a unique time when the world will stagger under the weight of God's wrath. ...

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Revelation 8-11 / "The Trumpets of Seven Archangels" (CD Set)

Revelation 8-11 / "The Trumpets of Seven Archangels" (CD Set)


During the final years of the Tribulation, terrifying apocalyptic events of world-wide catastrophe will assault the earth and its inhabitants. Find out what the future holds for planet Earth and the human race, and discover how you can avoid this unique period of judgment. ...

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Revelation 12-13 / "Antichrist and the Many Faces of Evil" (CD Set)

Revelation 12-13 / "Antichrist and the Many Faces of Evil" (CD Set)


The Devil; the Antichrist; the Beast; Revelation 12-13 gives us a behind-the-scenes look at this unholy trinity. Their agenda is clear: world domination. Their methods are brutal: insatiable destruction and oppression. Their end is certain: defeat, impotence, and everlasting hell. ...

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