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1 Why Did Jesus Visit a Small Portion of Earth?

Why Did Jesus Visit a Small Portion of Earth?

by Stephen Davey
Why did Jesus only focus His ministry on a small region? It was part of a strategic plan to fulfill prophecy, train His disciples, and lay the foundation for the global spread of the gospel. Discover how Jesus' ministry fits into God’s larger plan for salvation. read more
1 Does Satan Still Accuse Believers Before God?

Does Satan Still Accuse Believers Before God?

by Stephen Davey
Does Satan still accuse believers before God? While the Bible shows that he does, believers have an advocate in Jesus Christ who defends us. Discover how Jesus has already defeated Satan's accusations and what this means for your life today. read more
1 What is the difference between rules and legalism?

What is the difference between rules and legalism?

by Stephen Davey
Are rules in the Christian life the same as legalism? While God’s commandments guide us, legalism distorts them into something harmful. Learn how to follow God's rules out of love, not fear, and how to avoid the trap of legalism. Discover the difference in this insightful blog post. read more
1 Is Superstition a Sin?

Is Superstition a Sin?

by Stephen Davey
Is superstition just harmless fun, or does it pose a deeper spiritual threat? In this article, Stephen explores whether superstition is considered a sin and how it can divert believers from fully trusting in God. Learn why practices like reading horoscopes or using Ouija boards can open the door to deception, and discover the biblical truths that provide true security. Read on to understand how to avoid the trap of superstition and strengthen your faith in God’s sovereign power. read more
1 Why did Jesus say we must eat his flesh?

Why did Jesus say we must eat his flesh?

by Stephen Davey
Have you wondered what Jesus meant when He said we must eat His flesh and drink His blood? It’s a puzzling statement that left His listeners confused, but it holds a profound spiritual truth about how we receive eternal life. Uncover the meaning behind this metaphor and how it reveals the depth of our need for a true, life-giving relationship with Jesus. read more
2 Is faith a gift from God?

Is faith a gift from God?

by Stephen Davey
Don asks, "Based on Ephesians 2:8, does God supply the faith needed for salvation in addition to the grace? ... read more
2 Explaining Hell to Children

Explaining Hell to Children

by Stephen Davey
Cathy asks, "How can I explain the reality of hell to my children?" ... read more
2 Understanding Ephesians 5:32—The Mystery

Understanding Ephesians 5:32—The Mystery

by Stephen Davey
The "mystery" Paul refers to is a term he often uses to describe a truth that was previously hidden but is now revealed by God. In this case, the mystery is the profound relationship between Christ and the church. read more
2 How does Israel fit into Revelation?

How does Israel fit into Revelation?

by Stephen Davey
Israel was under the heel of Rome when Christ was born – and the added persecution by Satan to wipe out the Christ child is one of the underlying dramas of the Christmas story. The anguish of Israel was heard as Herod had all the Jewish boys under the age of two killed in and around Bethlehem in order to destroy the one who was born, King of the Jews. read more
1 Why Did God Create People, Knowing They Would Sin?

Why Did God Create People, Knowing They Would Sin?

by Stephen Davey
Dive into an evangelical perspective on why God created humanity with the foreknowledge of sin. Explore the concepts of love, free will, and redemption to understand the divine purpose behind creation. read more
1 The Power of Solitary Prayer: Does God Hear Me When I'm Alone?

The Power of Solitary Prayer: Does God Hear Me When I'm Alone?

by Stephen Davey
Discover the profound impact of solitary prayer, backed by Scripture and examples of Jesus and biblical figures. Learn how to connect with God on a deeply personal level. read more
2 Should Christians Watch Movies Depicting Jesus?

Should Christians Watch Movies Depicting Jesus?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the complexities of watching movies based on the Bible accounts of Jesus and how they compare to the concept of graven images, focusing on the importance of Scripture as the primary source for understanding Christ. read more
1 Why Don't You Use The King James Version?

Why Don't You Use The King James Version?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the reasons behind choosing the English Standard Version (ESV) over the King James Version (KJV) for studying and teaching the Bible, highlighting the importance of faithful translation and global accessibility. read more
1 The Complex Legacy of Martin Luther

The Complex Legacy of Martin Luther

by Stephen Davey
An evangelical perspective on Martin Luther - celebrating his Reformation work while grappling with his antisemitic views and impact on history. read more
1 Why Fallen Angels Have No Chance for Salvation

Why Fallen Angels Have No Chance for Salvation

by Stephen Davey
An evangelical exploration of the reasons why fallen angels don't have an opportunity for repentance like humans. Understand divine justice, Christ's sacrifice, and the consequences of rebellion. read more
2 Wisdom International Is Using A.I.—Here's Why:

Wisdom International Is Using A.I.—Here's Why:

by Stephen Davey
If you are a Friend of Wisdom, you recently received an email announcing the launch of WisdomA.I., a chatbot tool that allows people to more accessibly interact with our Bible teaching ministry. As this program has rolled out, I’ve received many questions like this one: “Why would you create a tool using something as evil as A.I.?” read more
1 How to Discern Theologically Sound Authors and Books

How to Discern Theologically Sound Authors and Books

by Stephen Davey
Discover practical tips for navigating theological literature, ensuring alignment with evangelical beliefs and sound theology. Learn to discern credible authors and books that uphold biblical teachings. read more
1 Does God Have A Plan For Everyone's Life?

Does God Have A Plan For Everyone's Life?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the biblical perspective on God's unique plan for every individual. Delve into key verses from Jeremiah, Psalms, Ephesians, Proverbs, and Romans that highlight God's sovereignty, care, and purpose for our lives. Find comfort and assurance in the divine design of your existence. read more
1 How to Address Sin in a Friend's Life: A Guide to Compassionate Correction

How to Address Sin in a Friend's Life: A Guide to Compassionate Correction

by Stephen Davey
Learn how to approach a friend about sin in their life with humility and love, ensuring your intentions are pure and your approach is grounded in grace, guided by Jesus' teachings on self-examination and restoration. read more
1 What is the difference between Jehovah and Lord?

What is the difference between Jehovah and Lord?

Dive into the nuances of biblical terminology to uncover the difference between Jehovah and Lord. Learn how translators signal God's personal name and titles, enriching your understanding of God's identity in the Bible. read more
1 Does God take people from us as a punishment?

Does God take people from us as a punishment?

by Stephen Davey
One of the most challenging questions we face as Christians is why God allows suffering and bad things to happen. It's a question that has stirred debate among theologians, scholars, and believers for centuries. One common assumption is that suffering is a result of personal wrongdoing. But is this necessarily true? I want to answer Cindy’s question by establishing a theological framework on suffering and loss. read more
1 Are All Sins Equal?

Are All Sins Equal?

Delve into the complex question of whether all sins are equal in God's eyes. This article explores the biblical teachings on the nature of sin, its varying consequences, and the distinctions between different types of sins according to Scripture. read more
1 Is Love Between Christians Unique?

Is Love Between Christians Unique?

by Stephen Davey
Dive into the nuances of Christian love as it differs from the universal call to love all people. Understand how the distinctive, sacrificial love among believers, as guided by the Holy Spirit, sets apart the Christian community and serves as a witness to the transformative power of the gospel. read more
1 A Guide to Explaining the Rapture to Children

A Guide to Explaining the Rapture to Children

by Stephen Davey
Discover how to explain the complex concept of the rapture to children with clarity and compassion. This guide offers Christian parents practical advice on using child-friendly language, addressing fears, and reinforcing the hope in Jesus' return. read more
1 Can I Know The Fullness of God?

Can I Know The Fullness of God?

by Stephen Davey
Dive into the meaning behind Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3:19 for believers to be filled with the fullness of God. Discover how this aspiration guides Christians to strive for a deeper understanding and love of God, even as we acknowledge its vastness beyond our full comprehension. read more
1 Exploring the Reasons Behind Suffering: A Christian Perspective on God's Role

Exploring the Reasons Behind Suffering: A Christian Perspective on God's Role

by Scott Wylie
Delve into the Christian perspective on why God allows suffering and bad things to happen. Explore biblical insights from Job's story and Jesus' life, questioning the assumption that suffering is solely a result of personal wrongdoing. read more
1 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

by Stephen Davey
Explore the distinct roles of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. Uncover how believers were drawn to faith in the Old Testament and how the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence became a hallmark of the New Testament era. read more
1 Navigating the Immigration Dilemma: A Biblical Perspective

Navigating the Immigration Dilemma: A Biblical Perspective

by Stephen Davey
Explore the complex issue of immigration from a biblical standpoint. Discover timeless principles from the Bible that can shape our understanding and response to immigration challenges. Learn about the importance of recognizing the image of God in every person, the command to love neighbors and strangers, the biblical narrative of migration, the role of law and justice, and the transcendent nature of God's kingdom. read more
1 Do Babies Remain Infants In Heaven?

Do Babies Remain Infants In Heaven?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the theological perspectives on the age of individuals in heaven. Discover insights on whether babies remain infants or if the elderly stay elderly in the afterlife. Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of heavenly existence, spiritual maturity, and the continuity of personal identity. read more
1 How Did Stephen Come To Faith In Christ?

How Did Stephen Come To Faith In Christ?

by Stephen Davey
Read the story of Stephen Davey's journey of faith. Born into a family of missionaries, Stephen's path to salvation was filled with unique experiences and a gripping fear of being left behind after the rapture. Discover how a vivid dream of hell and a deep inner struggle led him to surrender his life to Christ, ultimately reshaping his entire life. In this personal testimony, Stephen shares the profound story of his conversion and its impact on his relationships, choices, and future. read more
1 Where Is Hell

Where Is Hell

by Stephen Davey
Where is hell? While the Bible doesn't provide a specific location for hell, it offers profound insights into its nature as a place of divine absence, torment, and separation from God. Discover the significance of these biblical perspectives and what they mean for believers. read more
1 Baptism: From John the Baptist to Modern Practice

Baptism: From John the Baptist to Modern Practice

by Stephen Davey
Discover the distinctions between John the Baptist's baptism and contemporary Christian baptism. Explore the historical and theological evolution of this sacred practice. read more
1 2 Corinthians 4:15-16 Explained: A Message of Hope Amidst Trials

2 Corinthians 4:15-16 Explained: A Message of Hope Amidst Trials

by Stephen Davey
Uncover the deep meaning behind 2 Corinthians 4:15-16 as it relates to God's grace, thanksgiving, and the renewal of our inner selves. Delve into the context of Paul's ministry and how these verses offer a profound message of hope in the midst of trials. read more
1 How Can I Walk By The Spirit?

How Can I Walk By The Spirit?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the teaching of Galatians 5:16-17 about walking by the Spirit in your daily Christian life. Learn what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit, cultivate a deeper relationship with God, and exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. Discover practical steps for living a life that pleases God. read more
1 Do Christians face judgement when they die?

Do Christians face judgement when they die?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the concept of judgment in Christianity and discover the two main judgment events: the Great White Throne Judgment and the Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat). Learn how Christians are exempt from condemnation but face a judgment of rewards based on their earthly works. Understand the difference between salvation and rewards, and how this perspective inspires faithful service. read more
1 Can Christians Take Authority Over Their Circumstances?

Can Christians Take Authority Over Their Circumstances?

by Stephen Davey
Discover the truth about Christian authority over circumstances and whether believers can change outcomes. Understand the sovereignty of God, embracing His will in hardships, the right response to difficult situations, and the role of faith and submission. Gain insight into how faith and trust in God can help you navigate life's challenges. read more
1 Unraveling the Mystery of 1 John 5:16

Unraveling the Mystery of 1 John 5:16

by Stephen Davey
Understanding 1 John 5:16 can be challenging. Discover what constitutes a "sin not leading to death" and a "sin leading to death" and gain insights into John's caution about inquiring further. read more
1 Why is Christmas Celebrated on December 25? The History of Christmas

Why is Christmas Celebrated on December 25? The History of Christmas

by Stephen Davey
Dive into the historical journey to understand why Christmas is celebrated on December 25. Discover the roots of this tradition and the intriguing reasons behind the chosen date. read more
1 Sunday vs. Saturday Worship: Understanding the Shift from Sabbath to Sunday

Sunday vs. Saturday Worship: Understanding the Shift from Sabbath to Sunday

by Stephen Davey
Why do Christians worship on Sunday? What are the reasons behind the shift from Saturday (Sabbath) to Sunday worship in Christianity? This article will help you understand the significance of the Resurrection and its impact on the early Christian community's practices. read more
3 What does

What does "things under the earth" mean?

by Stephen Davey
Delve into the deeper meaning of "things under the earth" in Philippians 2:10, exploring its Biblical implications. The term includes both the unredeemed dead and the demonic kingdom, all awaiting final judgment. read more
3 Can a person renounce faith in Jesus?

Can a person renounce faith in Jesus?

by Stephen Davey
The concept of apostasy—the renunciation of one's faith—has long sparked profound discussions and diverging viewpoints within Christian theology. This article explores the biblical perspective on apostasy, the nature of God's saving grace, and the paradox of apostasy. read more
3 The Interplay between Faith and God's Will in Prayer: A Biblical Perspective

The Interplay between Faith and God's Will in Prayer: A Biblical Perspective

by Stephen Davey
Faith and praying in line with God's will are not mutually exclusive. They are intertwined aspects of prayer, each feeding and reinforcing the other. When we pray with faith, we show our reliance on God and our conviction that He will accomplish His will. On the other hand, when we pray in alignment with God's will and for God’s will, our faith is strengthened because we’re praying for what He has promised and purposed. read more
3 Did evil exist before Adam sinned?

Did evil exist before Adam sinned?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible provides a compelling narrative of pride, rebellion, and the consequences of rejecting God's authority. This article explores the story of how Satan became evil, and its implications for our understanding of the world. read more
3 Why is God making us wait to see Him until His second coming?

Why is God making us wait to see Him until His second coming?

by Stephen Davey
This article explores the biblical reasons for God's delay in returning to Earth. It discusses God's mercy, patience, and desire for all people to come to salvation. read more
3 Are People Born homosexual?

Are People Born homosexual?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but it also teaches that all people are sinners in need of God's grace. Christians should respond to people who are struggling with same-sex attraction with love and compassion, and offer them the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ. read more
3 Mary and the Holy Spirit: Their Roles in the Conception of Jesus

Mary and the Holy Spirit: Their Roles in the Conception of Jesus

by Stephen Davey
The Bible asserts that Jesus was Mary's biological son, yet He was without sin. This unique conception allows us to understand how Jesus could be a sinless sacrifice for our sins. read more
3 Is the USA mentioned in Scripture?

Is the USA mentioned in Scripture?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible tells us that the return of Christ is "imminent," but we don't know when that will happen. As a result, we can't say for certain what will happen to the United States when Christ returns. However, we can know that God will keep His Word and His plan will be accomplished. read more
3 Where does Satan live?

Where does Satan live?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible teaches that Satan is a real being who is opposed to God and His people. But where does Satan live? This article explores the biblical answer to this question. read more
3 Do Christians go to Sheol?

Do Christians go to Sheol?

by Stephen Davey
There are two words in the Bible that refer to the same place. "Hades" in the New Testament is the same place as "Sheol" in the Old Testament. Hades is the Greek word and Sheol is the Hebrew word. These words refer to the place where the souls of unbelievers are staying as they await their summons to the Great White Throne. Everyone who dies as an unbeliever goes to Hades/Sheol. It is a temporary place of torment for those who have rejected God. read more
3 Will there only be eleven thrones in heaven because of Judas' betrayal?

Will there only be eleven thrones in heaven because of Judas' betrayal?

by Stephen Davey
Leroy asks, "Jesus Christ promised that His disciples would sit on twelve thrones ruling over Israel when He reigned. (Matthew 19:28-29).... read more
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