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Today we are praying for the Taiwanese people.

Taiwan is predominantly Buddhist. However, our ministry has occasional online contact with people from Taiwan. Join us today in praying for the Taiwanese people, asking God to build and strengthen His church in that nation. 

Going Deeper:

Taiwan is predominantly influenced by Buddhism, Taoism, and various folk religions, but there is a growing Christian community. Despite religious freedom, Christians in Taiwan still face cultural and social challenges as they seek to live out their faith. The island nation also faces unique pressures, including political tensions with China and various societal issues.

Here are five practical ways Christians can pray for their fellow believers in Taiwan, and for the Gospel to have a greater impact:

  1. Spiritual Growth and Discipleship: Pray for spiritual maturation among Taiwanese believers. Ask God to deepen their understanding of the Scriptures, to strengthen their faith, and to provide opportunities for meaningful discipleship relationships that can nurture their walk with Christ.

  2. Youth and the Next Generation: Taiwan has a younger generation that is increasingly exposed to secularism and materialism. Pray for Christian youth in Taiwan to be strong in their faith and for the church to effectively reach this critical age group. Ask God to use Christian college students, young professionals, and even younger children as ambassadors for Christ to their peers.

  3. Political and Social Wisdom: Given Taiwan’s unique political challenges, especially regarding its relationship with China, pray for wisdom for Christian leaders and believers as they navigate these complex issues. Ask God to guide them in being peacemakers and sources of wise counsel in their communities.

  4. Christian Influence in Society: Pray that Taiwanese Christians would be influential in various spheres of society, including education, media, government, and the arts. Ask God to give them platforms to share the Gospel and to be salt and light, impacting social and ethical norms in line with Christian values.

  5. Evangelism and Church Growth: Taiwan offers religious freedom, but cultural barriers to accepting the Gospel still exist. Pray that God would open doors for evangelism and that the Christian community would be equipped to share their faith effectively. Ask God to prepare the hearts of the Taiwanese people to receive the message of Jesus Christ.

By concentrating on these updated prayer points, you are joining in spiritual support for Taiwanese believers and advocating for the Gospel to permeate diverse layers of society, drawing more people to the transformative love of Christ.
