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Pray for Prodigal Children

Judy wrote to say the following:

Please pray for my Granddaughter M**** who is a prodigal. She is so blinded by the world's philosophy and caught up in it that she doesn't want to listen to anything I have to say.

Join us in praying today for those who have wandered from the faith and for their families who are concerned and grieving over their souls. 

When praying for these young people, ask God to draw them back to Himself, to reveal His love, truth, and relevance in a way that deeply resonates with them. Pray for divine encounters, whether through people, experiences, or circumstances, that would prompt them to reconsider their relationship with God. Ask for protection over their hearts and minds from negative influences and deceptive philosophies that could lead them further astray.

Pray also for their parents and grandparents, as this can be a deeply painful and challenging experience for them. Ask God to comfort and strengthen them, to give them wisdom in their interactions with their child, and to deepen their own faith and trust in God's love and care for their child. Pray that they would find the right balance between expressing their concerns and giving their child space to journey through their questions and doubts.

Ongeza Maoni