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Prayer For the Nations - Côte d'Ivoire

This guide aims to support Christians worldwide in praying effectively for their brothers and sisters in Côte d'Ivoire and for the gospel to make a profound impact across the nation. read more

Prayer For the Nations - Costa Rica

This prayer guide is designed to help Christians globally to pray thoughtfully for their fellow believers in Costa Rica and for the gospel to continue shaping the nation's heart and spirit. read more

Prayer For the Nations - Congo

Join us in prayer for the Republic of the Congo. This prayer guide is intended to help Christians worldwide pray effectively for their fellow believers in the Republic of the Congo and for the Gospel to deeply influence and transform the nation. read more

Prayer For the Nations - Comoros

Join us in prayer this week for Comoros. This guide is designed to help Christians globally pray effectively for their brothers and sisters in Comoros and for the gospel to reach every corner of the nation with grace and transformation. read more

Prayer for the Nations - Chile

Let's lift Chile and our ministry's efforts before God, asking Him to work powerfully through the church, our broadcasts, and all believers to bring about spiritual awakening and societal transformation in Chile. read more

Prayer for the Nations - Chad

Let us stand together in prayer for Chad, entrusting this nation to God’s loving care, and asking for His will to be done in Chad as it is in heaven. May the church in Chad rise up as a beacon of Christ’s light, offering hope and transformation to its people. read more

Prayer for the Nations - Central African Republic

Let's fervently pray for the Central African Republic, entrusting its people and leaders to God’s mighty hands. May His peace reign in every heart, and may His love transform this nation from the inside out. read more

Prayer for the Nations - Cameroon

Let's commit Cameroon to God’s loving care, trusting that He will work mightily to bring healing, reconciliation, and revival to this nation. May the church in Cameroon be a light that shines brightly, drawing many to find hope and salvation in Jesus Christ. read more
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