// Implement

Your gift spreads biblically faithful teaching, worldwide!

Want to know how?

Our gift to you:

We are sending one copy of our brand-new Wisdom Journal to everyone who makes a year-end gift of at least $100. Accept this resource with our thanks for your generous gift. You can use your hardback journal to: take notes as you watch or listen, keep a spiritual diary, track your to-do lists, keep a prayer journal, and much more . . .

Please make your year-end gift today using our secure donation form.

A Message from Stephen:


I’m incredibly thankful for what the Lord accomplished through Wisdom International this year. I’d like to tell you about it by sharing some statistics!

Here are some milestones from the last 12 months:

  • 2 New websites for Mandarin and Arabic speakers
  • 157 Countries where we engaged with online listeners
  • 326 Prisons and jails where Wisdom materials are available to inmates
  • 332 Radio stations broadcasting our content
  • 2082 Bible messages and transcripts in our growing collection of resources
  • 5116 Inmates actively following The Wisdom Journey
  • 58,866 Downloads of the Wisdom International app
  • 135,300 Individuals following our content on Pray.com
  • 236,800 Video lessons watched on our YouTube channel
  • 339,000 First-time visitors to wisdomonline.org
  • 900,000 Estimated daily radio listeners
  • 1.87 million Messages watched/heard on wisdomonline.org
  • 2.80 million Sermons watched on the Wisdom International app
  • 3.86 million Facebook users who engaged with our content

God never ceases to amaze me.

While those are impressive numbers, never forget that each number represents a person—a soul—needing hope and help from God’s Word. Every time I teach, I pray that God will use me to help people know what the Bible says, understand what it means, and apply it to their lives.

One of my favorite numbers is 4,821. That’s how many people took the time to write us this year and share their testimony of how Wisdom International has blessed them.  One of these encouraging letters we received was from Bo, who wrote:

I’m currently serving a 17-year prison sentence because my life of crime caught up with me. There’s a Christian in my cell block who faithfully and patiently shared the gospel with me. I was hard and resistant for many months. Finally, the power of God’s Word opened my eyes, and God saved me.

My friend introduced me to your teaching. You are helping me grow as a Christian. Your staff sends me resources in the mail. After reading them, I pass them around to others. I have access to a radio, and I listen each weekday to both of your programs.

I am living in a dark and lonely place because of my choices. However, I’m experiencing hope and joy because of what God has done for me. I’m thankful for you. I wish I could help support your work. I hope to meet you when my sentence is complete.

Bo’s testimony, and others like his, are incredibly moving to me! I can’t imagine the difficulty of his situation, and yet he’s growing in Christ from in a prison cell.

Everything that Wisdom International does is enabled by the support we receive from our listeners. Please make a special year-end gift, and help us to continue and expand our ministry footprint.

This next year, I’m praying that God will enable us to:

  • Complete the first production cycle of The Wisdom Journey.
  • Begin translating and recording The Wisdom Journey in various languages.
  • Expand our content available to inmates and develop a correspondence program.
  • Build our new ministry headquarters.
  • Grow our online and digital listeners and adapt to new technological innovations with a gospel focus.
  • Cultivate our growing prayer team and connect a community of faithful prayer warriors who regularly pray for each other, our listeners, and our ministry.

Your giving helps make it possible! Thank you for your continued support. 

Satisfied in Christ,