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Hate Speech

Deuteronomy 22:5
“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.”

Thirty-three years ago, well before the invention of iPhone cameras, my dad had one of those heavy- duty video camcorders that he’d rest on his shoulder like a bazooka to film home videos, and we’ve made it a tradition every Christmas to sit around my parent’s upstairs living room and watch some of the hilarious home videos we made during those good ole days. One of our favorites is a video of my brother and I, about five or six years old, jumping in the trampoline in our sister Candace’s swimsuits. My mom tells the story of the first moment she saw me dressed up like that and frantically called my dad to tell him the news. “Stephen!—your son is jumping on the trampoline in his sister’s swimsuit!! What do I do?!” My father’s reply was wise: “Hurry—get the video camera!”

How awful is it to consider that children in various sections of our Western society today aren’t allowed to be kids anymore. They can’t play dress up for fun. A boy can’t put on his mom’s high heels and stamp around the kitchen giggling. Oh no—he’s really a girl inside. And a girl can’t throw on her dad’s football jersey and play rough with her brothers without a discussion on her gender identity. Nowadays, if a boy dresses up in his sister’s swimsuit for fun and his mom asks, “What do I do?!”, the reply offered by psychologists is, “Transition him.”

Friend, Deuteronomy 22:5 is a commonsense law. God isn’t condemning kids for playing dress-up, nor is He condemning wives for cuddling up in their husband’s hoodies, nor is He condemning mentally ill members of society who genuinely need help, but He’s condemning the sexualized practice of transvestitism. To the God Who invented nature, it is an abomination for us to revolt against that wondrously crafted nature and live out our own fantasy.

Oh that we would compassionately help those children who’ve been taught that their salvation comes not through spiritual transformation but through chemical and surgical transformation! And oh that we would never stop decrying as abominable those who exploit and profit from such inhumanity.