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1 Will everyone hear the rapture trumpet?

Will everyone hear the rapture trumpet?

by Stephen Davey
Joyce from Florida asked: Will everyone hear the sound of the trumpet at the rapture? ... read more
1 Can we eat pork?

Can we eat pork?

by Stephen Davey
Gloria asked: Can we eat pork or does the Bible forbid eating pork? ... read more
1 Who was Cain’s wife?

Who was Cain’s wife?

by Stephen Davey
Arlis asked: Who was Cain’s wife Who was on the earth for him to marry? ... read more
1 What is soul sleep?

What is soul sleep?

by Stephen Davey
Robby from South Carolina asked: What is “soul sleep”? ... read more
2 Resolutions of the Faith: Prayer

Resolutions of the Faith: Prayer

by Stephen Davey
Many parents of young adults have experienced the conflicting emotions involved in sending a son or daughter away to college. In those final hours before separation, parents tend to give “final” instructions like, “be careful, study hard and make good friends. read more
1 Describe Old Testament salvation.

Describe Old Testament salvation.

by Stephen Davey
Carolyn from Kansas asked: How were people in the Old Testament saved? ... read more
1 Resolutions of the Faith: Bible Study

Resolutions of the Faith: Bible Study

by Stephen Davey
Have you ever traveled on a road trip and gotten completely lost on the way? Back before we all had a personal navigator in our pockets, travelers had to use a book of maps, called an atlas. Even then, one might have to admit to being lost and, regardless of embarrassment, stop and ask for directions. read more
2 Can a Christian with addictions to enter heaven?

Can a Christian with addictions to enter heaven?

by Stephen Davey
Vincent from Georgia asked: “If a Christian is addicted to alcohol, pornography, or drugs, will God still send them to hell, even though... read more
2 Do Bible translations lead to disunity?

Do Bible translations lead to disunity?

by Stephen Davey
Rhonda from North Carolina asked: Does having so many Bible translations lead to disunity and confusion?” ... read more
2 Where in Revelation is the Rapture?

Where in Revelation is the Rapture?

by Stephen Davey
A listener asked: “Where in Revelation does the Rapture occur?” ... read more
3 Why would God create Satan?

Why would God create Satan?

by Stephen Davey
Jim from Virginia asked: “Since Lord knows the beginning from the end, why did He create Lucifer when He knew that Lucifer would... read more
3 Are the two witnesses literal?

Are the two witnesses literal?

by Stephen Davey
Danny from Tennessee asked: “I was taught that the two witnesses who were killed in Revelation were an allegory for the New Testament and... read more
3 Can people be saved during the Tribulation?

Can people be saved during the Tribulation?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible teaches that salvation is available during the Tribulation, even though the church will have been raptured. Learn how the Holy Spirit will continue to work on earth during this time, and how people can come to faith in Christ. read more
3 How were the New Testament letters delivered?

How were the New Testament letters delivered?

by Stephen Davey
Robert from Florida asked: “How were the New Testament letters delivered to various churches? ... read more
3 Will only church members be raptured?

Will only church members be raptured?

by Stephen Davey
Cameron from North Carolina asked: “When the rapture comes, will Christians who are not formal members of a church be left behind?” ... read more
3 Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter?

Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter?

by Stephen Davey
Theresa from Virginia asked: “Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter in Judges 11? ... read more
3 How can Christians honor evil rulers?

How can Christians honor evil rulers?

by Stephen Davey
John from Louisiana asked: “How can Christians honor our earthly rulers if they are evil?” ... read more
3 Should Christians fast?

Should Christians fast?

by Stephen Davey
Marie asked: “Should Christians fast? And if so, is it no food and only water? And for how long and how often?" ... read more
3 Where are Old Testament believers?

Where are Old Testament believers?

by Stephen Davey
Brenda asked: “What happened to those who died before Jesus Christ was born?” ... read more
3 Are the two witnesses Elijah and Enoch?

Are the two witnesses Elijah and Enoch?

by Stephen Davey
“Are the two witnesses in Revelation 10 Elijah and Enoch? I ask that because they were both taken to heaven without dying.” ... read more
3 Can a Christian who commits suicide enter heaven?

Can a Christian who commits suicide enter heaven?

by Stephen Davey
An anonymous listener asked: “I've had two pastors tell me that professing Christians who commit suicide will not go to heaven. Is that... read more
3 Does the Bible prohibit cremation?

Does the Bible prohibit cremation?

by Stephen Davey
Pam from North Carolina asked: “Is there anything in the Bible dealing with cremation? ... read more
3 Is there salvation in hell?

Is there salvation in hell?

by Stephen Davey
Terry from Florida asked: “If a person dies without knowing the gospel, do they have the opportunity at some later point during judgment... read more
3 Is Jezebel a literal person?

Is Jezebel a literal person?

by Stephen Davey
Allene from Georgia asked: “Revelation refers to a woman called Jezebel. Is Jezebel a literal person or a philosophy?” ... read more
3 Will only baptized people be raptured?

Will only baptized people be raptured?

by Stephen Davey
Elana from North Carolina asked: “Will Christians who are not baptized be included in the rapture? Acts 2:38 seems to indicate that... read more
3 Should I leave a church that speaks in tongues?

Should I leave a church that speaks in tongues?

by Stephen Davey
Gary from North Carolina asked: “Are the sign gifts an important enough issue to determine which church I attend?" ... read more
3 Were there people before Adam?

Were there people before Adam?

by Stephen Davey
Anthony asked: I believe people existed before Adam and Eve, but my pastor tells me I’m wrong. Can you please elaborate on this? ... read more
3 Are animal sacrificed in the Millennium?

Are animal sacrificed in the Millennium?

by Stephen Davey
Fred asked: “Can you please explain why there will there be animal sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom?” ... read more
3 Can a divorced couple remarry each other?

Can a divorced couple remarry each other?

by Stephen Davey
Tina asked: If a couple gets divorced, would it be wrong for them to remarry each other again? ... read more
3 Is polygamy a sin?

Is polygamy a sin?

by Stephen Davey
Pat wrote in wanting to know: Is polygamy a sin? ... read more
3 Can white people be saved?

Can white people be saved?

by Stephen Davey
A listener asked: My friend is a Black Israelite and he told me that Jesus was an African, He came to save Africans, and white people... read more
3 Can women who wear pants be saved?

Can women who wear pants be saved?

by Stephen Davey
Sharon from North Carolina asked: I was told that a woman who wears pants is not saved. Is that true? ... read more
3 Can a Christian have a tattoo?

Can a Christian have a tattoo?

by Stephen Davey
Mel asked: Is it biblically ok for a Christian have a tattoo? ... read more
3 Are we obligated to tithe?

Are we obligated to tithe?

by Stephen Davey
Liz from Florida asked: Does Malachi 3:8 obligate me to tithe? ... read more
3 Did Jesus lie?

Did Jesus lie?

by Stephen Davey
Sharon from South Carolina asked: Did Jesus lie in John 7 when He told His brothers He was not going to the Jewish festival but then went? ... read more
3 Are the notations in Psalms inspired?

Are the notations in Psalms inspired?

by Stephen Davey
A listener from Virginia asked: Are the notations before the Psalms inspired? ... read more
3 Is hell a literal place?

Is hell a literal place?

by Stephen Davey
Mary from South Carolina asked: Is hell a literal place? ... read more
3 Are the Jews God’s chosen people?

Are the Jews God’s chosen people?

by Stephen Davey
Dorothy asked: “Are the Jewish people still God’s chosen people or is that now the Christians?” ... read more
1 Why does God require a blood sacrifice?”

Why does God require a blood sacrifice?”

by Stephen Davey
Weldon asked: “Why does God require a blood sacrifice? ... read more
3 Thankfulness in Psalm 100

Thankfulness in Psalm 100

by Stephen Davey
There is perhaps no better place in Scripture to look to find genuine, sincere, constant thankfulness to God than in the Psalm 100. David and the other psalmists fill their poetry with gratitude to God, lifting up their voices in praise to Him constantly, during the best and worst times of life. read more
1 How serious of a heresy is Universalism?

How serious of a heresy is Universalism?

by Stephen Davey
Leland from Virginia asked: How serious of a heresy is Christian Universalism? ... read more
3 Thankfulness: The Example of Jesus

Thankfulness: The Example of Jesus

by Stephen Davey
You probably have not heard of Sarah Hale, but you likely do recognize her most famous poem — Mary’s Lamb. Besides her work as a poet,... read more
3 Thankfulness: The Mark of a Believer

Thankfulness: The Mark of a Believer

by Stephen Davey
For the believer, giving thanks is not just something we do on a Thursday in November, when we are gathered around our families, stuffing our faces with delicious food and then napping during football games. Thankfulness is meant to be a daily part of a Christian’s walk, and is––in fact––one of the unique characteristics of genuine believers. read more
3 A Guide to Political Engagement

A Guide to Political Engagement

by Stephen Davey
Should Christians vote? ... read more
3 Submitting to Authority

Submitting to Authority

by Stephen Davey
During the ministry of the apostle Paul, the church was living through a time of political distress and blatant religious persecution. The church in the Roman Empire was suffering greatly at the hands of Emperor Nero. It must have shocked these believers to read what Paul had to say to them in his letter: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Romans 13:1).  read more
3 What Does the Bible Say About Politics?

What Does the Bible Say About Politics?

by Stephen Davey
What does the bible say about politics? If anyone in biblical history could have advocated for overthrowing their government, it was the apostle Paul. Living during the reign of Emperor Nero, the church had zero representation in the Roman government, and experienced severe persecution at the order of Nero. Across the empire, the church had no legal protection or governmental support.  read more
3 Has God Abandoned America?

Has God Abandoned America?

by Stephen Davey
Many have wondered if the moral decline in our society is evidence that God has given up on America. However, the very phrasing of that question “Has God abandoned America?” highlights the wrong perspective regarding God’s relationship to our country — or any country for that matter. America has no special relationship with God, but the people in America have the same opportunity as everyone else to become members of His redeemed family.  read more
3 Happy are the Merciful

Happy are the Merciful

by Stephen Davey
We see petitions for mercy in every aspect of our society. ... read more
3 Happy Are the Hungry

Happy Are the Hungry

by Stephen Davey
You’ve heard the old adage: we are what we eat. We are either helped or hurt by what we consume. ... read more
3 The Brokenhearted are Blessed

The Brokenhearted are Blessed

by Stephen Davey
Jesus surprised His audience when He informed them, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:4). The word the Lord used for blessed (makarios) means “supremely happy.”  read more
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