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Office Coordinator


Kristyn Castner joined Wisdom International in August 2021 as the Office Coordinator.  Originally from Hackettstown, New Jersey, Kristyn and her family moved to North Carolina in the mid-90s, where she grew up attending The Shepherd’s Church.

 Prior to her job at Wisdom, Kristyn worked in property management for 11 years at an apartment complex in the area. “There are so many people in and out of your doors every day in that line of work, so many people to reach for Christ.  I had a lot of different interactions and opportunities, and I could see why the Lord had kept me there for as long as He did. I grew. I grew a lot in my experiences there.”

After a decade in property management, she felt the Lord preparing her for something new and was introduced to Wisdom International through Candace Davey.  “Candace and I grew up together and have always kept in touch.  She mentioned the job opening to me and I was called in to interview not long after and accepted.  The Lord has brought me to a new chapter in my life and I’m so excited to see what He has for me.”

Kristyn’s job responsibilities include managing day-to-day needs of the office, filling orders, packaging resources, handling incoming and outgoing mailings, updating donor records, donor payment management, and bookkeeping.

حول موظفينا

يتكون فريق موظفي Wisdom International من خدام متفانين يحبون الرب ويستمتعون بالخدمة. إذا كان لديك تعليق أو سؤال ، يسعدنا مساعدتك. يرجى زيارة صفحة الاتصال هذه وأرسل لنا رسالة مباشرة.


بالإضافة إلى موظفينا ، لدينا فريق من المتطوعين الذين يساعدوننا في مكاتب Wisdom International. يساعد هذا الفريق في المراسلات ويرد على المكالمات الهاتفية ويساعد أولئك الذين يدعمون وزارتنا مالياً. إذا كنت تعيش في منطقة رالي / كاري بولاية نورث كارولينا ، وترغب في التعرف على فرص التطوع ، فيرجى الاتصال بنا. يمكنك استخدام نموذج الاتصال, or call 866-482-4253 and ask for Candace.